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Messages - jyzhao

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Hi Bofan,

Thanks for using the SimCenter forum.

To better understand the issue. Can you share the "GroundMotions" folder in your SimCenter LocalWorkDir/HazardSimulation folder with me?

Thanks and regards,



If you add the three lines at the bottom of this message before Line 295 in the link I sent you in my previous reply, You will be able to set the location of the hypocenter.

Please note that 1. These lines set the location of the hypocenter but not the epicenter. The hypocenter needs to be defined on the fault surface with a depth, and you can add "print(rupSurface.getEvenlyDiscritizedListOfLocsOnSurface().toString())" before Line 295 to check the geometry of the fault surface. 2. The hypocenter defined here is only used by Cambell & Bozorgnia (2014) ground motion models and nowhere else in the backend calculation. If you would like to define the hypocenter for other use, please let us know, and we will see how we can help.

Hope this is clear.


rup = rupList.get(rupture_index)
rup.setHypocenterLocation(Location(33.97, -117.91 , 0))
rupList.set(rupture_index, rup)


Thanks for using the SimCenter forum.

Defining the location of hypocenter is not available through editing the configuration Json file, but it is possible by editing the SimCenterBackendApplication python code at

However, please note that the GMM selected in your configuration Json file (Boore et al. (2014)) does not use the hypocenter location, and defining the hypocenter location will not make a difference to the predicted ground motions. The only GMM in R2D that uses the hypocenter location is (Campbell and Bozorgnia (2014)). This GMM uses the depth of the hypocenter, and R2D uses the mean of the upper and lower fault edge depth as the hypocenter depth by default. This is reflected in the code linked above and can be edited if you would like to.

I hope this addresses your questions. Should you have any more questions, please don't hesitate to reach out.



Regional Hazard Simulation (R2D, rWhale) / Re: Error in DL calculation
« on: March 11, 2024, 07:18:41 PM »
Hello Bofan,

This is a flaw of the software that the output format of the earthquake simulation tool is different from the input format of R2D HAZ panel. The earthquake simulation tool uses "SA(0.01)" to represent spectral acceleration at 0.01s, while the HAZ panel uses "SA_0.01" (See the input files of R2D example 14 at for an example) to represent spectral acceleration at 0.01s.

To resolve this issue, please rename the columns in the output of the earthquake simulation tool so the R2D HAZ panel can read the files.

Thank you for catching this error and we will fix this in the future release. We apologize for the confusion.




The original data (1.84M buildings) described in our San Francisco testbed was produced by our partner, and we are not permitted to share the data. However, SimCenter has produced a similar inventory containing around 1M buildings, and the data is publicly available on DesignSafe at

Hope this is clear.


If the UCERF earthquake rupture forecasting model is used, the uncertainty of the source model is considered in UCERF. For OpenQuake ERF, uncertainty is typically considered with logic trees. However, logic trees are not implemented in R2D now. After earthquake scenarios are generated, R2D uses empirical ground motion prediction equations to generate ground motion intensity measure fields. The uncertainty of GMPEs is considered by modeling the IMs as random fields with distributions as specified in the spatial correlation models. Hope this answers your questions.



The earthquake hazard scenarios in R2D are generated using either UCERF or OpenQuake. Some details are described at

The minimum building information depends on the types of analysis you would like to perform in the workflow. In general, the minimum building information is the geological location of the building and the information needed to carry out the structural model specified in the MOD panel and the damage and loss model in the DL panel. You could refer to the built-in R2D examples for what information is needed for typical R2D use cases.

Yes, it is possible to select MOD as None and use user-provided fragility.

However, the "IMasEDP" option, instead of "None", should be selected in ANA. Otherwise, R2D will not link the intensity measures to the provided fragility curves.




This is the maximum distance from the site "centroid" to the source.

Please note the site "centroid" is roughly estimated by taking the average value of the latitude and longitude values of all sites. It is not the geometry centroid of the sites.

Hope this helps.


Regional Hazard Simulation (R2D, rWhale) / Re: R2D extent of the region
« on: January 16, 2024, 06:34:28 PM »

This depends on the complexity of the analysis/assessment you would like to perform. If you plan to perform a Hazus-style assessment, where a structural analysis model is not needed, and damage and loss are obtained directly from fragility curves, you should be able to assess a state using a very powerful personal computer or DesignSafe's High-performance Computer (HPC) provided through R2D. The biggest challenge here might be preparing and managing big inventory data and hazard information data for such a region. This requires very large memory and storage space.

If you plan to perform structural analysis models in your assessment, you might need more powerful computers. You might be able to require more computational resources from DesignSafe if you are eligible for DesignSafe's criteria. If you have your own HPC resources, you could also contact us, and we could help set up R2D's backend applications on your HPC. Please let us know more specifics of your plan so we can better assist you.



Regional Hazard Simulation (R2D, rWhale) / Re: BUG:export to PDF
« on: January 08, 2024, 06:08:25 PM »
Hello Max,

Thanks for pointing this out. This function is disabled now. Alternatively, you can access the results in the "tmp.SimCenter/results" folder in your local jobs directory (as defined in R2D preferences). You could generate PDF results with spreadsheet editors or text editors that you prefer.

Please let us know what you need to export into a PDF format. We could add the function back if necessary.



Regional Hazard Simulation (R2D, rWhale) / Re: Error in running examples
« on: November 09, 2023, 10:12:02 PM »

I apologize that there is an error when releasing the latest R2D pre-release, and the earthquake scenario simulation tool is down. Please keep an eye on the updating of the R2D pre-release, and we expect this error to be fixed in a couple of days.

Very sorry about the error and delay this may cause.



Regional Hazard Simulation (R2D, rWhale) / Re: Error in running examples
« on: October 27, 2023, 04:45:20 PM »

Collecting inventory data is difficult. Although R2D can be used to assess the performance of building inventory stocks in natural hazards, it is not designed to collect building inventory data. You may refer to the testbeds in R2D to see examples of collecting building inventory data. If you would like to study highway transportation infrastructure, the BRIALS-transportation tool (which can be found in the "Tools" drop-down menu) in  R2D can generate the transportation infrastructure data for HAZUS-style earthquake performance assessment. Please let us know if you need further assistance.



Regional Hazard Simulation (R2D, rWhale) / Re: Error in running examples
« on: October 16, 2023, 05:12:55 PM »

This may be because the Zenodo API server is not working. You could try to download the example files from our GitHub repo: After you download the example files. You can load the example to R2D by going to the "File->Open" option in the menu bar, and load the "/R2DExamples/E1BasicHAZUS/input.json" file.

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