Research in Natural Hazards Engineering > Wind Engineering (WE-UQ)

Error in Testing WE-UQ

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I am facing an error when I want to test the WE-UQ application based on the provided instructions. I successfully installed the application and the corresponding tests are implemented according to the first attachment.
However, I encounter the following error (which is also attached) after running the application for the simple example provided in the documentation:

No dakota.err file - Dakota did not run - problem with the setup or the applications failed with inputs provided

Can any one help me with this?


Thank you for raising this issue. Can you provide more information on which example you tried running? It would be great if you start testing your installation with the first example - "9-Story Building Sampling".

In the meantime, can you also provide the screenshot of the File->Preferences dialog window to debug better? 


Hello Abiy,

Many thanks for your response. I wanted to run the quick test in page 13 of the help document (which is attached). I have also included the Preferences dialog window as you requested.
I appreciate your help.


I just changed my Python version to 3.7 and the problem resolved. I successfully tested the first 4 examples, but I faced a problem in the 5th one, Digital Wind Tunnel II: Wind Loads on Isolated Building with Simple Geometry. The problem arises when I wanted to run the final mesh. I get this error:

    From function virtual Foam::autoPtr<Foam::ISstream> Foam::fileOperations::uncollatedFileOperation::readStream(Foam::regIOobject&, const Foam::fileName&, const Foam::word&, bool) const
    in file global/fileOperations/uncollatedFileOperation/uncollatedFileOperation.C at line 539.

FOAM exiting

Moreover, the view window is totally dark despite the documentation. I have attached a screenshot of the application.

How can these issues be resolved?

Many thanks.


It's good to know that changing the Python version solved the problem.

Can you please post the path in the "Start" tab of the event section? If your path has an empty space character, it's incompatible with the backend Linux environment that runs OpenFOAM. So, we recommend updating the working directory to a path without a space character.   

The reason you see the black window on the left is that the background mesh generation did not proceed as expected.

Can you also clarify which version of WE-UQ you are running? V 3.1(current) or older version.



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