Research in Natural Hazards Engineering > Wind Engineering (WE-UQ)

Running WE-UQ

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I have installed the App on Windows 10. However, when I RUN, I face with this message: "Failed to run the workflow!!". and when I RUN at DesignSafe, I face with this error: "Local Failure setting up dakota".


can you check the install you did .. it could be python, opensees or the dakota install

there is a video that goes through the install.

if this fails, we can set up a zoom meeting and go through it with you

Thanks Frank. I saw the instruction in the video but the App doesn't work. it should be noted that I installed the Python, Dakota and OpenSees. anyway, I will be thankful if we have a Zoom meeting for solving this issue.

i just sent you an email about scheduling a zoom meeting.

This issue can also happen if no random variables are specified, can you check if you specified at least one random variable?


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