Research in Natural Hazards Engineering > Wind Engineering (WE-UQ)

Running WE-UQ

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I am facing an error when I want to test the WE-UQ application based on the provided instructions. I successfully installed the application and the corresponding tests are implemented according to the first attachment.
However, I encounter the following error (which is also attached) after running the application for the simple example provided in the documentation:

No dakota.err file - Dakota did not run - problem with the setup or the applications failed with inputs provided

Can any one help me with this?


Thank you for raising this issue. Can you provide more information on which example you tried running? It would be great if you start testing your installation with the first example - "9-Story Building Sampling".

In the meantime, can you also provide a screenshot of the File->Preferences dialog window, which will help us better figure out where the error happened? 



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