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Messages - Sang-ri

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Installation / Re: quoFEM on HPC with cli
« on: July 29, 2022, 01:53:02 AM »
Please check the message I sent you.


Hi Ahmet,

Glad the solution worked! Thank you for sharing the details. We greatly appreciate your warm interest and support. Your examples and feedback would certainly be of tremendous help to us and future users of quoFEM.


Hi Ahmet,

Great to know that one of the examples ran successfully and that, supposedly cloud folder was causing the error. I believe your conclusion is correct. I appreciate your investigation.

For the cantilever model, it looks like having "constant" variables in the RV tab is causing the error. We will update the source code to fix this bug. For now, as a workaround, please try removing the two constant variables from the RV panel such that only H is shown ( and any other scripts or inputs do not need to be modified, and the two variables will automatically be considered constant). I believe this was exactly what was shown in the screenshot of your first post.

Thank you also for your suggestion!! We actually implemented this feature very recently; in the menubar, please try out the edit->clear inputs button. It should work for FEM/RV/QoI tabs, but maybe not for the UQ/RES tabs in the current version.

We are planning for another release later this week (v3.1.0). We will include the fix of the above bug (i.e. support constant variables option for calibration). From your previous posts, we have also noticed that saving/loading JSON input was not smooth as it should be, so we improved this as well. We appreciate your contribution!


Hi Ahmet,

Indeed it is strange that the tmpSimCenter.params file is also empty.

One possibility is that it could be related to the onedrive sync. We were able to reproduce the error (i.e. the two empty files) with an "online-only" sync option and offline environment, which I again presume is not your case ::). But it might be a signal that the issue is related to the fact the input files are located in the onedrive folder.

Can you please try locating the files in a different directory and let us know the results?


Hi Ahmet,

Thank you for posting the question and sharing all the necessary files! I was able to test the example on my laptops, but they all ran successfully.

In the screenshot, in the folder "tmp.SimCenter", I see that the size of "" is zero, while it should have contained -0.04. That means quoFEM is failing to copy "calibration.csv" to this folder for some reason.

I additionally tested several possible scenarios, and the same kind of error was observed only when "calibration.csv" was empty, which I assume is not the case for your problem.

To help us identify in which step the workflow has failed, can you please share a screenshot showing the contents of the folder "templatedir" inside tmp.SimCenter?


Virtual office hours with UQ developers at the NHERI SimCenter

Anyone who wants to talk with the UQ developers in the SimCenter, Dr. Bangalore Satish Aakash and Dr. Sang-ri Yi, is welcome to drop by at the weekly UQ developers’ meeting.

If you would like to
  • get hands-on troubleshooting guidance
  • discuss topics about UQ in natural hazard applications
  • give ideas to improve quoFEM (ranging from the graphical user interface to backend algorithms)
  • discuss details of the UQ algorithms in SimCenter tools
  • suggest a new feature, especially if you would like to shape the idea together with the developers
  • learn how to plug in a UQ algorithm into quoFEM
or if you have any questions that are related to quoFEM or UQ capabilities of the other SimCenter tools, you are invited to visit. You may think of it as an informal office hour.

Time: Every Friday 12 - 1pm (PT)*
Zoom meeting link: click here (Passcode: 012345)

* Any cancellation will be announced by updating this post. Unless otherwise announced, we will be there every week.

Update: The office hour on 05/20/2022 is canceled
Update: Zoom link updated on 08/21/2022
Update: The office hour on 11/04/2022 is canceled
Update: The office hour on 12/16/2022 is canceled
Update: The office hour on 12/30/2022 is canceled
Update: The office hour on 08/25/2023 is canceled
Update: The office hour on 11/10/2023 (Veterans Day) is canceled
Update: The office hour on 11/24/2023 (Thanksgiving Holiday) is canceled
Update: The office hour on 12/15/2023 is canceled
Update: The office hour on 12/28/2023 is canceled
Update: The office hour on 01/19/2024 is moved to 1-2 pm (PT), same day
Update: The office hour on 02/02/2024 is canceled because the developers are participating in NHERI Computational Symposium
Update: The office hour on 02/16/2024 is canceled
Update: Zoom link updated on 04/18/2024
Update: The office hour on 04/19/2024 is moved to 1-2 pm (PT), same day

Users of quoFEM are welcome to share their example files by replying to this post.
  • Contributor
    • Option 1
      • Click [reply] button to share
      • Requirement: A single zipped folder that contains all the required files and data (if any) along with the quoFEM input file (.json file)*
      • Requirement: A brief summary of the analysis
      • Requirement (if any): Special instruction to run analysis, eg. need a license of a FEM software
      • Recommended: Information on how to cite this work
      • Recommended: A detailed description of the model or references to literature detailing the model
      • Recommended: Expected runtime of the whole analysis, ie. how long are the users expect to wait after clicking the run button (eg. several seconds, minutes, hours, days)
    • Option2
      • Upload your files and description to another platform (eg. DesignSafe data depot or GitHub) and post the link here. We believe this option will help the users of your files to give stronger credit to your work. For example, DesignSafe allows you to formally publish a simulation model by providing a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) number.

  • User : Unzip the folder, find and load the quoFEM Input file (.json file), hit the run button (Unless differently instructed by the contributor).

* Note: quoFEM Input file (.json file) can be saved by clicking [file-save as] button at the quoFEM menu bar. Make sure to save the Input file (.json) directly in the folder where your FEM inputs are located, and not copy it after saving it in another directory (this is to have relative file paths). See quoFEM\Examples\qfem-0001\src folder or other example folders to see how an example can be shared as a single folder.

Installation / Re: quoFEM Installation Issue
« on: February 18, 2022, 07:15:28 AM »
Also to fix the NO VALID PYTHON error, please go to the preference and check-uncheck the three custom options inside the "external applications" box. It will update the python and other paths. This is a known issue that we are investigating.


Installation / Re: quoFEM Installation Issue
« on: February 17, 2022, 10:02:51 PM »
Hi Francisco,

Thank you for posting the question.

Can you first try deleting and re-downloading the quoFEM? Some files could have been missed/corrupted during unzipping/moving. If the same error occurs, please type the below line in the Windows Command Prompt and share what it says.

"C:/Users/Francisco/Documents/quoFEM\\applications/performSIM/OpenSees/createOpenSeesDriver.exe" "C:/Users/Francisco/Documents/quoFEM/LocalWorkDir\tmp.SimCenter\templatedir\\dakota.json"  "runningLocal" "Windows"


Hi Rashad,
Please see the below:

(1) What does the 'Main' and 'Total' mean, and what is their relationship?
Both are Sobol sensitivity measures that are bounded between 0 and 1. The main index only accounts for the effect of an RV on a QoI, while the total index also considered interactive effects (joint effect of RV1 and RV2 to a QoI). Consider the below two cases as an example (f and g are any functions)
  • QoI1 = f(RV1) + g(RV2) : The functions of RV1 and RV2 are additive, therefore they do not have any interaction effect, so the total and main values should be the same.
  • QoI2 = f(RV1) + g(RV2) + RV1*RV2 : RV1 and RV2 additionally have an interaction term. In this case, the main Sobol index will capture the contribution of only the first term, while the total index will add up the contribution of the first and the third term. Therefore, in theory, the total index is always equal to or greater than the main index.
Each RV will give the same main index values for the two QoIs, but for the total index value, QoI2 is higher than QoI1

(2) How quoFEM tool is calculating these values
quoFEM provides two different algorithms through Dakota and SimCenterUQ engine. Please check out our user manual to find references.

Dakota - user manual :

SimCenterUQ - user manual & technical manual :

A very brief overview of the algorithms (Live expert tips):

(3) How to identify the effect of each parameter?
Based on what I observe from the figure, 'Fy' has the highest effect, and 'As' shows the least effect. All the RVs appear to have high total index values compared to the main values, which implies significant interaction effects; however, seeing the scatter plot, it seems like you have enforced some responses to be zero and it could have created an illusory interaction effect. This could incorrectly reduce the main index and increase the total index. I will discuss this again in the next question.

(4) How to set the boundaries of parameters?
The parameter bounds are determined either based on (i) your knowledge of the uncertainty in each parameter or (ii) bounding requirements for your analysis, e.g., for an optimization problem.

One caveat
Based on what I observe from the figure, your response in some cases is zero (possibly the opensees analysis is not completed or converged). If it represents the collapsed cases and the zero values physically represent infinity, the Sobol values estimated using zero outputs are incorrect.
However, when infinity output is directly presented, it is not feasible to estimate the Sobol index. Sensitivity analysis necessarily decomposes the output variance, therefore, the variance must be a finite value. So it is impossible to get the overall sensitivity that covers both collapsed and non-collapsed cases. What we can suggest is:
  • If you are interested in only stable (converged) responses, you would want to adjust the bounds of RVs so that all the output samples are located in the stable domain (so that all responses from opensees are real non-zero values)
  • If you are interested in identifying factors that affect the most when deciding if the model is collapsed and non-collapsed (classification problem), you might want to set the QoI to be 0 or 1 for converged and non-converged cases, respectively. In that case, continue using the Dakota engine as it works better than SimCenterUQ for discrete outputs.
  • You might want to consider changing your QoI values to those that don't go to infinity but give you a good indication of the system response.

PS. The new version of quoFEM is released on Nov 12, 2021


Uncertainty Quantification (quoFEM) / Re: quoFEM on Ubuntu
« on: November 15, 2021, 06:47:11 PM »
We also need to update the instructions for that. We will post here once the 'how to build' documentation is ready for Linux users.

Uncertainty Quantification (quoFEM) / Re: quoFEM on Ubuntu
« on: November 15, 2021, 04:32:16 PM »
Hi Ashok,

We appreciate your interest in quoFEM and the question!

Yes, quoFEM can be built on Linux, so the required parts are already there on github, but we were not yet distributing the pre-built executable through our website.
But we can. We will upload the Linux distribution of quoFEM as soon as possible and update it here once it is available.

(Please make sure you have email notifications enabled so that you are notified when we post here :) I think by default it is on)


Uncertainty Quantification (quoFEM) / Re: Optimal parameters values
« on: October 18, 2021, 03:17:49 PM »
Hi Rashad,

Thanks for sharing the screenshots. The quoFEM inputs in your first screenshot look good. For the workdir.1-300 folders, probably you will see the files inside from windows explorer, but not from the quoFEM browser shown in the second screenshot (because it is showing you only folders and not files).

I think the opensees model is either not converged or giving only zeros for all input parameters. We can have a look at your input files if you could share the tcl files.

Uncertainty Quantification (quoFEM) / Re: Running on quoFEM
« on: September 21, 2021, 09:45:16 PM »

Can you try creating a registry item under the Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SimCenter\Common?

You can do it by right-clicking the mouse -> Select 'New'-'String Value' -> Name the item as "pythonExePath" -> Double click the name -> put the python path.

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