Research in Natural Hazards Engineering > Performance Based Engineering (PBE)

Dakota Error Debugging

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Never mind - I realized that the issue for me was that the EDP file was somehow formatted incorrectly.

I just wanted to follow up on this error in case any other users experience this problem.
I did not get this error with the EDP file. I resolved the error by correcting my components file.

I hit this error when the components file story/locations definitions contained any of the following issues:
- N stories defined in the "GI" tab was less than the max story that I provided in my components .csv file (this was an issue in pelicun v2 but I believe it is corrected in v3)
- a story definition contained an invalid string
- the .csv file format converted a story range into a date (also corrected in pelicun v3, I believe) - for example, story definition 7-15 was saving as a date format, July 15th - fixed the issue by changing to "7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15" for simplicity

Thanks for sharing that info, Hannah!


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