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Messages - bastu

Pages: [1]

Could you please help me to run Example_2 (Forward Propogation with OpenSeesPY) with "RUN at DesignSafe" option?

Example_2 (Forward Propogation with OpenSeesPY) runs okay on the desktop but it does not run on DesignSafe when using the quoFEM desktop app. For reference, Example_1 (Truss using OpenSees) and Example_3 (Basic modeling with Python) run fine on the desktop and Designsafe.

When running Example_2 in 1 node with 32 processes on DesignSafe, only the 32 first analyses run okay but after that python closes the processes and leaves Dakota without results from the further realizations. It seems the issue is importing OpenSeesPy "import openseespy.opensees as ops" but I don't know if I could fix it on my end.

Thank you!


Code: [Select]
+ ibrun dakota -in -out dakota.out -err dakota.err

Error: cannot open results file "workdir.33/results.out" for evaluation 33
Abort(-4) on node 4 (rank 4 in comm 0): application called MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, -4) - process 4
Abort(-4) on node 0 (rank 0 in comm 0): application called MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, -4) - process 0


Pages: [1]