SimCenter Forum
Artificial Intelligence in Natural Hazards Engineering [Archived] => AI use in Regional Simulation (BRAILS) => Topic started by: jsaw on April 13, 2021, 04:24:12 PM
Hello, I'm currently having difficulties installing BRAILS. I have Python 3.7.6 so I downloaded Fiona-1.8.18-cp37-cp37m-win_amd64.whl and GDAL-3.2.2-cp37-cp37m-win_amd64.whl. However, the pip install BRAILS is taking too long/running into an error. What might be the issues causing this problem? Thank you in advance!
(posted earlier in forum post "Queries about BRAILS installation")
Hi jsaw, what do you see if you run pip install in the command line, instead of the notebook?
Hello, this is what I get:
It says pycocotools can not be installed...
It requires Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0
Get it with "Build Tools for Visual Studio" :
Before that, maybe you can try this:
pip install pycocotools-windows
(I got it from here:
Thank you, I was able to get pip install BRAILS to work.
I still have a problem, where BRAILS seems to have been installed but BRAILS modules are not found. (screenshot below) What might be the issue here?
Can you share how you solved your first problem, i.e., did you install Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 or you did
pip install pycocotools-windows?
For the new error, try this if you are using conda:
conda install shapely
I got it from here:
Thank you again for the help! Yes, I had to install Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0.