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Artificial Intelligence in Natural Hazards Engineering [Archived] => AI use in Regional Simulation (BRAILS) => Topic started by: aleemuc on October 24, 2022, 04:43:09 AM

Title: Modules not being imported
Post by: aleemuc on October 24, 2022, 04:43:09 AM

I have installed Brails - now running first Brails example given on:

The Brails modules are not being imported. Secondly, I was reading the previous questions and found suggestion to install Shapely - I have checked in my PC it is already installed. Please advise solution.
Title: Re: Modules not being imported
Post by: fmk on October 25, 2022, 10:17:32 AM
Sorry for your struggles. The examples you are using are for version 2.0.x of BRAILS

The examples that you were using do not work in current version. I have updated the example page. The person responsible for BRAILS is away till Thurs, at which time I will get him to provide more examples and show how to pre-train to get better results for local areas.
Title: Re: Modules not being imported
Post by: aleemuc on October 25, 2022, 10:43:17 AM
Thanks for the explanation. I look forward to see more examples. I am interested to see examples on how to train Brail model e.g. for crack detection. And how can we use pretrained functions of the model. Thanks
Title: Re: Modules not being imported
Post by: fmk on October 25, 2022, 03:40:29 PM
while waiting .. as part of SimCenter training there was an AI workshop held this summer .. Day 3 contains some material and in particular notebooks for crack detection you might want to look at to get you started.
Title: Re: Modules not being imported
Post by: aleemuc on October 27, 2022, 07:42:24 AM
Thank you for sharirng this training link. I attended this trainning. These examples are very helpful.

There is an issue with runtime of crack segmentation example. I am running the same example code in But the training is taking too much time. The Brails example training time was 3m 14s (attachment-01); on the other hand when I run the same code on Colab it is taking more than 2 hours and not finishing due to some internet connection issue. Please advise any solution.

Title: Re: Accelerating Crack Segmentation Training Times
Post by: bacetiner on November 14, 2022, 08:11:12 PM
Thank you for your message.

Colab, by default, runs on CPU. To attain the training times shown in the Crack Segmentation example, GPU acceleration must be enabled for your Colab environment.

To enable GPU acceleration,
1) choose Runtime on the menu bar,
2) select Change Runtime Type,
3) set Hardware Accelerator to GPU.

I hope this helps!