SimCenter Forum

Research in Natural Hazards Engineering [Archived] => Regional Hazard Simulation (R2D, rWhale) => Topic started by: CCChen on June 06, 2023, 06:54:24 PM

Title: About earthquake scenario simulation output
Post by: CCChen on June 06, 2023, 06:54:24 PM
Hello all,

When conducting earthquake scenario simulation with R2D, I couldn't find the earthquake rupture location or rupture id, source id of the simulated earthquake. Is there any output file that record this information?

Moreover, I ran 10 scenarios but only got 1 magnitude value and 2 identical SiteSourceDistance values in SiteIM.json file. I would like to know that is all the scenarios have same magnitude and same rupture location?

Thanks in advance for your help!
Title: Re: About earthquake scenario simulation output
Post by: jyzhao on June 16, 2023, 09:00:31 PM
Hello CCChen,

In the “/your_username/Documents/R2D/LocalWorkDir/HazardSimulation/GroundMotions/Output” folder, you can find a “RupFile.json” that contains the rupture information, which includes the earthquake rupture location or rupture id, source id, etc.

For your second question, the current Earthquake Scenario Simulation tool user interface may have a bug that doesn’t set the number of scenarios correctly. Could you please check the “Number" subfield of the “Scenario” in your “/your_username/Documents/R2D/LocalWorkDir/HazardSimulation/GroundMotions/Input/EQHazardConfiguration.json” file? If it is different than what you specified in the Earthquake Scenario Simulation user interface, please run the command below in your terminal/command line prompt.

“pathToBackEndApplications/applications/performRegionalEventSimulation/regionalGroundMotion/ --hazard_config /your_username/Documents/R2D/LocalWorkDir/HazardSimulation/GroundMotions/Input/EQHazardConfiguration.json”

where “pathToBackEndApplications” is the backend applications directory specified in R2D/preference. The EQ scenarios will be written to your LocalWorkDir/HazardSimulation/GroundMotions/Output folder.

A new version of R2D will be uploaded to DesignSafe shortly to fix the bug. Hope this helps, and let us know if there is anything else that is needed.


Title: Re: About earthquake scenario simulation output
Post by: parallelroof on October 09, 2023, 07:47:38 AM
Okay. Let me know if a new version of R2D is uploaded.
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