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Research in Natural Hazards Engineering [Archived] => Regional Hazard Simulation (R2D, rWhale) => Topic started by: drw02 on June 07, 2023, 07:58:38 AM

Title: Earthquake Scenario Simulation
Post by: drw02 on June 07, 2023, 07:58:38 AM
Hi all, I am trying to use the earthquake scenario simulation in Beirut Lebanon, however, I am unable to get any outputs. So I would like to check if this feature is not applicable in my region of interest, or could it be due to any wrong input that I am providing?

Thank you in advance!
Title: Re: Earthquake Scenario Simulation
Post by: jyzhao on June 15, 2023, 12:38:32 PM
Hi drw02,

This depends on the earthquake scenario simulation method you selected. If you selected "Earthquake Rupture Forecast", it is likely that the R2D database doesn't contain any ruptures in your interested region. Could you please provide the message in "Program output" (i.e., the output printed in the panel at the bottom of R2D GUI) so we can better help you? Also, it would be helpful if you could provide the "/Documents/R2D/LocalWorkDir/HazardSimulation/GroundMotions/Input/EQHazardConfiguration.json" file.


Title: Re: Earthquake Scenario Simulation
Post by: drw02 on July 29, 2023, 12:05:28 PM
Hi Jinyan,

Thanks again for your guidance through the process I am getting the following message when running the tool "error in copy files in ASD". I defined similar data to what was defined in the provided EXAMPLE 1 for the San Francisco data, however, in my case the data is defined for the City of Beirut Lebanon. Is there any specific guide to follow for defining the data, I am currently using the GIS to AIM feature.

Looking forward to your reply.
Title: Re: Earthquake Scenario Simulation
Post by: jyzhao on August 01, 2023, 11:34:51 PM
Hi drw02,

If you use IMasEDP structural analysis model, the building inventory data has to have the same attributes as the .csv file in EXAMPLE 1. I attached a .gpkg GIS file containing the same info as the first 1000 buildings in EXAMPLE 1 .csv building inventory file for your reference. If you use other structural analysis models, you may follow the data format in other examples.

For now, R2D only supports .gpkg for GIS input. We will enable loading shapefiles shortly. When you load shapefiles, you have to put the .shx and .dbf files in the same folder as .shp and supply the path to the .shp file to R2D. If you are working with shapefiles now, you may use the Python package geopandas to convert them to .gpkg or .csv files and load the .gpkg or .csv files to R2D.

Hope this helps.


Title: Re: Earthquake Scenario Simulation
Post by: drw02 on August 05, 2023, 02:53:06 PM
Hi Jinyan,

Thank you very much, this was very helpful. However, one of the column features that I seem to be missing is the footprint feature, how can I define it similarly to yours?

Title: Re: Earthquake Scenario Simulation
Post by: jyzhao on August 08, 2023, 09:55:51 PM
Hi David,

The footprint column is duplicated from the geometry column. You can drop the footprint column, and the .gpkg file should work just fine. I am sorry for this.

Also, please remember not to put the input GIS file in the Local Jobs Directory folder you set in R2D preference. Because R2D copies the input GIS files to Local Jobs Directory, putting the input files in the Jobs Directory will cause a recursive file copying.

Please let us know if anything else comes up.


Title: Re: Earthquake Scenario Simulation
Post by: ewfounder on September 18, 2023, 01:30:48 AM
Excellent resource. What I can't seem to figure out is how to define my footprint feature such that it's equivalent to yours.