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Messages - Sang-ri

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From now on, please post questions, bug reports, suggestions, and feature requests at the new Github discussion page

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This user forum will be closing soon.

From now on, please post questions, bug reports, suggestions, and feature requests at the new Github discussion page

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This user forum will be closing soon.

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Installation / Re: Missing dll files
« on: April 19, 2024, 10:37:02 PM »
Hi Christina,

Thanks for posting the question!

I am suspecting perhaps the unzipping process of R2D was not complete. Can you delete the current R2D forder and retry unzipping from the raw zip folder of R2D?

Please let us know if the error persists.


Performance Based Engineering (PBE) / Re: DL_summary_stats.csv error
« on: January 05, 2024, 06:09:37 PM »

I am so sorry for the delayed response. I can see two potential reasons:

1. Unless there is a reason to use another Python installation (I saw in the log file that the python version is v.3.11), please press "reset" button in the menubar-File-Preference window such that the PBE can run the analysis on the python installation we had provided and configured to fit our tools best (v.3.8)
2. It could be because the working directory is located under the cloud folder (onedrive). Please try changing the local working directory (found in the menubar-File-Preference window) to another location.



Thanks much for sharing the files!

Can you please move the quoFEM folder (with the exe file in it) to some folder under C drive? I assume it is currently under D drive, but the local jobs directory is by default in C drive. This mismatch had caused some permission issues before. Alternatively, you can try changing the local jobs directory to some folder under D drive.

If it still does not work, can you please share two screenshots that show the list of files in templatedir and workdir.1, respectively?

Thank you,


Thank you for posting the issue. To help us figure out the solution, can you please share with us
  • A screenshot that shows the list of the files inside the directory "{LocalWorkdir}/tmp.SimCenter/templatedir" where {LocalWorkdir} refers to the Local Jobs Directory which can be found by clicking, in the menu bar of quoFEM, File-Preference
  • file (under "{LocalWorkdir}/tmp.SimCenter") - if found
  • scInput.json file (under "{LocalWorkdir}/tmp.SimCenter/templatedir") - if found


Thank you so much for revisiting the previous tests! The test was immensely helpful as it clarified that the limitation comes from the UQ engine rather than the interface.

I apologize for the late reply - I was out of the office last week. In the meantime, our team made some effort to find a workaround, but unfortunately, we could not find an immediate solution, especially without being able to reproduce the error. Also, the source of issue is related to the internal function of Dakota program, which is slightly beyond SimCenter's development focus. It seems like we cannot provide a solution at this point.

However, we will keep you posted in case of further updates.

Thanks again,

Hi Atish,

For the second question, I believe the overfitting is a general limitation of GP for high-dimensional inputs (rather than a limitation in specific toolboxes/packages), and its effect is highly problem-specific.

You could always try running quoFEM, because once the data files are prepared to run the sensitivity analysis, the same files can be easily used for surrogate model training. The cross-validation results are provided as an output to help you understand how well the surrogate model is trained.

quoFEM provides easy access to UQ beginners as we put some recommended setups by default, but if you would like to have more control of the surrogate training algorithm by directly working on python/matlab toolboxes, "GPy" is the Python package that quoFEM utilizes for GP training. Additionally, "UQpy" (python) and "UQlab" (matlab) are some of the well-established and maintained UQ packages that have surrogate training modules.



Thanks for sharing the file. We are still struggling to identify the issue. From my understanding, the automated process of overwriting the evaluation_concurrency value is exactly the same as the process we tried manually, as shown below.


Thank you for the info. We think this number should be 128 instead of 64. While we figure out the solution, can you try the following workaround and let us know if this makes CPU occupied 100%?

1. Modify the number after "asynchronous evaluation_concurrency" in from 64 to 128
2. Remove all files and folders in the local working directory except for "" and "templatedir"
3. Find the path of the Dakota executable from the preference window of quoFEM. Let us denote this {dakota path}
4. Open the command prompt, cd into the folder where is located, and type "{dakota path}" (without the quotation marks)

It will run the forward propagation analysis, and the results will be shown in dakotaTab.out.

Thank you,

Regarding this, is it possible that when we manually tried, dakotaTab.out file was not properly created even though the CPU was occupied 100%? Sorry, I should have asked this earlier.

If unsure, please just let me know. We will continue investigating the issue on our side.


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