« on: August 21, 2023, 11:21:34 PM »
I am working on using the SoftstoryClassifier module to classify multi-story multi-family apartments. However, I am running into an issue with my training data where known soft-story buildings don't appear as soft-stories in the Google Streetview scraped images because the Streetview perspective associated with the address is from the front, but the soft-story parking is down an alleyway around the back.
Because of this, I've found that whether or not a multi-story multi-family apartment building of a certain age has a back alley is a good indicator of whether or not it is a soft story. And so, what I mean to request is a module meant to identify the number of streets along a building, and in particular if a building has a set of parallel streets running alongside it.
I'll admit that I am relatively inexperienced with BRAILS, and so I do not know whether or not BRAILS or even an AI model would be necessary for this type of classification. Alternatively, if anyone has experience with using Google Streetview API to scan all sides of a building from every adjacent street/alleyway meant for cars, that would also solve my issue.