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Messages - fmnav

Pages: [1]
Wind Engineering (WE-UQ) / Re: Error in Testing WE-UQ
« on: December 14, 2023, 12:22:38 AM »

The BackendApplication path is set to "applications" folder in the downloaded WE-UQ folder. However, I still cannot proceed with the meshing. Is this a bug in the software?

Wind Engineering (WE-UQ) / Re: Error in Testing WE-UQ
« on: December 12, 2023, 04:09:09 PM »

Here is the path in my "Sart" tab:

And the version is 3.1.0.

As I attached the figure, I still have the problem with the meshing.

Wind Engineering (WE-UQ) / Re: Error in Testing WE-UQ
« on: December 08, 2023, 07:33:22 PM »
I just changed my Python version to 3.7 and the problem resolved. I successfully tested the first 4 examples, but I faced a problem in the 5th one, Digital Wind Tunnel II: Wind Loads on Isolated Building with Simple Geometry. The problem arises when I wanted to run the final mesh. I get this error:

    From function virtual Foam::autoPtr<Foam::ISstream> Foam::fileOperations::uncollatedFileOperation::readStream(Foam::regIOobject&, const Foam::fileName&, const Foam::word&, bool) const
    in file global/fileOperations/uncollatedFileOperation/uncollatedFileOperation.C at line 539.

FOAM exiting

Moreover, the view window is totally dark despite the documentation. I have attached a screenshot of the application.

How can these issues be resolved?

Many thanks.

Wind Engineering (WE-UQ) / Re: Error in Testing WE-UQ
« on: December 07, 2023, 03:08:33 AM »
Hello Abiy,

Many thanks for your response. I wanted to run the quick test in page 13 of the help document (which is attached). I have also included the Preferences dialog window as you requested.
I appreciate your help.


Wind Engineering (WE-UQ) / Error in Testing WE-UQ
« on: December 06, 2023, 03:47:19 PM »

I am facing an error when I want to test the WE-UQ application based on the provided instructions. I successfully installed the application and the corresponding tests are implemented according to the first attachment.
However, I encounter the following error (which is also attached) after running the application for the simple example provided in the documentation:

No dakota.err file - Dakota did not run - problem with the setup or the applications failed with inputs provided

Can any one help me with this?

Wind Engineering (WE-UQ) / Re: Running WE-UQ
« on: December 04, 2023, 01:55:12 PM »

I am facing an error when I want to test the WE-UQ application based on the provided instructions. I successfully installed the application and the corresponding tests are implemented according to the first attachment.
However, I encounter the following error (which is also attached) after running the application for the simple example provided in the documentation:

No dakota.err file - Dakota did not run - problem with the setup or the applications failed with inputs provided

Can any one help me with this?

Pages: [1]