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Messages - asuselo

Pages: [1]
Programming Bootcamp / Re: Forking a repository
« on: August 14, 2020, 05:56:22 PM »
try this steps (from yesterday's slide):

Exercise – Lets Synch your FORK with SimCenter
1. Open terminal window/ Powershell
2. cd to SimCenterBootcamp2020 folder
3. Lets add and commit any changes (or checkout original) .. Type: git status
git add .
git commit –m “my great changes”
4. Lets look at remotes repos
git remote -v
5. Add NHERI-SimCenter/SimCenterBootcamp-2020 as upstream
git remote add upstream
6. Look at remotes again
git remote -v
7. Lets fetch upstream
git fetch upstream
8. Use checkout to get last committed version
git merge upstream/master
9. Git add, commit and push to our own remote repo (origin)
git add .
git commit –m “fmk – updated code from merge”
git push origin master
10. Go to your browser, your remote repo (origin) should contain latest code

- networking chances (get to know someone to ask from)
- learn how to create/write simple interface program (interacting with other available program e.g. OpenSees, Dakota)
- familiarize myself with python languange/programming style (transitioning from matlab)
Extras: always excited to learn new stuff in the sylabus (oop, github, paralel processing, etc.)

Programming Bootcamp / Re: Synching new updates from SimCenter's Github
« on: August 13, 2020, 11:02:41 PM »
I think your upstream should be:
maybe you skipped step 5 in from the slides??

Pages: [1]