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Topics - ikavvada

Pages: [1]
« on: September 07, 2020, 03:49:17 PM »
I would like to ask two questions regarding pelicun and the FEMA P58 components.
1.   When running pelicun, I need to define the Fragility Data folder which is a folder containing json files, one json file for each building component. In the PBE examples folders, I have found such a Fragility Data Folder but it contains only 54 components and not the complete list of 764 FEMA P58 components. In the pelicun github page I have found a DL xml folder which contains the 764 components but in xml format and not in the standard json format needed for pelicun. Could you please tell me where I could find the json files for the complete list of components?
2.   When running pelicun, I would like to only need to define the quantities of structural building components. I would like to use the normative quantities from FEMA P58 for the non-structural components. Is this possible to do in the pelicun application? If yes, how could I do that?
Thank you!

Is it possible to run the regional earthquake simulation workflow working using pre-selected scaled time history records as inputs (one record for each site)? Does the workflow use both horizontal components or just a single horizontal of the time history records? What is the exact format of the time history records inputs that the workflow can use? Thank you!

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