Uncertainty Quantification (quoFEM) / Results in file
« on: November 07, 2022, 05:46:56 AM »
Dear all,
I've noticed an issue when I'd like to see the quoFEM results not on RES tab but in the produced file. I've placed the screenshots in the attached file which is explained below.
A. Start quoFEM and select an example (Ex 1).
B. Run quoFEM
C. Look into BIM.json file and see that I found the lines from input.json.
D. If I re-run the quoFEM then BIM.json is changed.
E. The results are now in the end of BIM.json file for Ex 1.
F. Following Ex 1, if I select and run another example (Ex 2), BIM.json now contains input.json from Ex 2 but the summary part is still Ex 1.
G. re-run quoFEM for Ex 2 and then summary of BIM.json is now containing results of Ex 2.
If this is an issue, I may state that quoFEM is not dumping the results to BIM.json file once the analysis completed. I noticed this as an issue but perhaps someone may have an explanation.
The motivation of looking into BIM.json file is to access the quoFEM results not through the interface but the produced files. Is there any other file(s) where I may read the results rather than mingling with BIM.json file.
Looking forward prompt reply.
++Ahmet Anil Dindar
I've noticed an issue when I'd like to see the quoFEM results not on RES tab but in the produced file. I've placed the screenshots in the attached file which is explained below.
A. Start quoFEM and select an example (Ex 1).
B. Run quoFEM
C. Look into BIM.json file and see that I found the lines from input.json.
D. If I re-run the quoFEM then BIM.json is changed.
E. The results are now in the end of BIM.json file for Ex 1.
F. Following Ex 1, if I select and run another example (Ex 2), BIM.json now contains input.json from Ex 2 but the summary part is still Ex 1.
G. re-run quoFEM for Ex 2 and then summary of BIM.json is now containing results of Ex 2.
If this is an issue, I may state that quoFEM is not dumping the results to BIM.json file once the analysis completed. I noticed this as an issue but perhaps someone may have an explanation.
The motivation of looking into BIM.json file is to access the quoFEM results not through the interface but the produced files. Is there any other file(s) where I may read the results rather than mingling with BIM.json file.
Looking forward prompt reply.
++Ahmet Anil Dindar