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Topics - mv_cutti

Pages: [1]
Site Response Analysis (s3hark) / soil column model
« on: April 16, 2021, 07:46:05 PM »
Hi everybody,
I wanna ask you this question.
I tried to compare the two files that I had attached below.
These two files are the same model written in two different ways.
I don't understand why they give me different results in term of surface displacement.
Can someone help me???

Site Response Analysis (s3hark) / Plot results / model
« on: December 15, 2020, 05:12:17 PM »
Hi everybody  :D,

I red the documentation but I did not found what I was searching for. So I ask you this two questions:
1) how can I plot the results in .xlsx format?
2) what kind of model S3hark create in Opensees? Do it use finite or infinite elements? Do it use dashpot or something else?

Thank you,


Pages: [1]