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Topics - charles

Pages: [1]
Uncertainty Quantification (quoFEM) / Local Failure Setting up Dakota
« on: November 16, 2022, 08:44:49 PM »

I tried to run my data on designsafe, but got this error...
problems with the setup?


can't find it anymore...

Spatial Uncertainty Research Framework (SURF) / An example
« on: August 06, 2020, 05:23:27 AM »
In the document there is an example showing how to use SURF to learn the pattern in a dataset, and use the learned knowledge to enhance the original dataset.

The example codes are as follows, but you can also run it in Golab notebook: []

Code: [Select]
import os
import wget
import zipfile
import shutil
import csv
import numpy as np

import as cm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.colors as colors

# 0. Download data

url = ''
workDir = 'tmp'
fileName = ''
print('Beginning file download with wget module'), fileName)
print('\nFile downloaded. \n')

with zipfile.ZipFile(fileName, 'r') as zip_ref:

    dest = shutil.move(fileName, workDir+'/')
    dest = shutil.move(fileName, workDir+'/')

# 1. Prepare data

BIMFileName = 'tmp/AnchorageBuildings.csv'

# read raw data
data = []
with open(BIMFileName, newline='') as csvfile:
    reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile)
    for row in reader:
        lat = float(row['Latitude'])
        lon = float(row['Longitude'])
        yearbuilt = int(float(row['Year Built']) )
        if lat>61.05 and lat<61.2 and lon>-150. and lon<-149.7:
            data.append([lon, lat, yearbuilt])

# data is a numpy matrix with columns: [x,y,value]
data = np.array(data)

# 2. Train a neural network
from surf.NN import SpatialNeuralNet

# define a spatial neural network
# numNei is the number of nearest neighbors to be considered
# writeTmpData is true so that temporary files are written down in ./tmp
nn = SpatialNeuralNet(rawData = data, numNei = 2, writeTmpData=True)

# 3. Test the neural network


Dear users, Welcome!

If you have any question about SURF, please click "NEW TOPIC" and create a new post.
I'll receive your question timely.

You can include files, images in your post by clicking "Attachments and other options".

Have fun! :) :)  ;)

We recently released a building inventory dataset generated by BRAILS.

It is formatted in HAZUS style and can be found in this link:

Dear users, Welcome!

If you have any question about BRAILS, please click "NEW TOPIC" and create a new post.
I'll receive your question timely.

You can include files, images in your post by clicking "Attachments and other options".

Have fun! :) :) :)

You can always export your analysis configuration and share it with others so that they can repeat your analysis!

To export:
Go to menu and click "File", then click "Save as", then select a local location where you'll save the configuration file.
Give it a name (for example, analysis.json), then click "Save".

Now you can share it with people!   ;D

Site Response Analysis (s3hark) / Welcome to s3hark message board!
« on: March 04, 2020, 09:54:31 PM »
Dear users, Welcome!

If you have any question about s3hark (and other things), please click "NEW TOPIC" and create a new post.
I'll receive your question timely.

You can include files, images in your post by clicking "Attachments and other options".

Have fun!

 :) ;) :D ;D

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