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Messages - tbassman

Pages: [1]
Earthquake Engineering (EE-UQ) / Re: MDOF-LU code question
« on: April 24, 2020, 07:23:58 PM »
Thank you for reaching out to Prof. Lu to clarify that, very helpful to know.

Earthquake Engineering (EE-UQ) / MDOF-LU code question
« on: April 17, 2020, 01:53:09 AM »
In SimCenterBackEndApplications-master/modules/createSAM/MDOF-LU/Building.h, there's a particular line of code whose origins I was wondering about (attached here) pertaining to the lambda calculation.

It appears to be a regression relationship used in place of performing an eigen analysis to obtain lambda every time the code is run. I just wanted to inquire to see if any further information is available regarding how this regression may have been determined in the first place.

Thanks in advance.

Below are two possible error messages that appear in the top gray bar of the app which we have encountered upon clicking "Run":

I  - "Failed to start the workflow!!!"
II - "No dakota.err file - dakota did not run - problem with dakota setup or the applicatins failed with inputs provided"

Most likely the underlying issue has to do with the Python pathway.

Trying the following steps has helped a few users fix the problem (these are partly Windows-specific since that's what I have):

A) Ensure that you have installed pelicun with the same version of Python you're using to run the app.
- In the Command Prompt (on Windows), run the version of Python you are using to run the app (try typing "py" if you haven't done this before).
- Type "import pelicun" and hit enter, and ensure no error messages appear. If errors appear, you need to "pip install pelicun" with this version of Python.
- If none appear, type "import sys" and hit enter, then "sys.executable" and enter. Copy the file pathway that pops up and proceed to B below.

B) Ensure that the Python pathway specified in the app preferences is correct.
- In the PBE app, click File --> Preferences.
- In "External Applications --> Python," ensure that the file pathway entered is the same as that which you got in part A, otherwise paste the file pathway you got in A here.

C) Check your "Path" environment variable.
If things are still not working, on Windows, check your environment variables (if you haven't done this before, you can get here by hitting the Windows key and typing "path" in the search bar -- then click Environment Variables, then under "User variables for [username]" click "Path," then click "Edit..."). Ensure that the file pathway to the Python version you are using to run the PBE app is listed (and if not, add it). You may also want to try deleting other extraneous Python-related pathways from the Path variable. Even after doing A and B, I could only get the app to work when I did this.

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