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Messages - jyzhao

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Regional Hazard Simulation (R2D, rWhale) / Re: R2D extent of the region
« on: January 16, 2024, 06:34:28 PM »

This depends on the complexity of the analysis/assessment you would like to perform. If you plan to perform a Hazus-style assessment, where a structural analysis model is not needed, and damage and loss are obtained directly from fragility curves, you should be able to assess a state using a very powerful personal computer or DesignSafe's High-performance Computer (HPC) provided through R2D. The biggest challenge here might be preparing and managing big inventory data and hazard information data for such a region. This requires very large memory and storage space.

If you plan to perform structural analysis models in your assessment, you might need more powerful computers. You might be able to require more computational resources from DesignSafe if you are eligible for DesignSafe's criteria. If you have your own HPC resources, you could also contact us, and we could help set up R2D's backend applications on your HPC. Please let us know more specifics of your plan so we can better assist you.



Regional Hazard Simulation (R2D, rWhale) / Re: BUG:export to PDF
« on: January 08, 2024, 06:08:25 PM »
Hello Max,

Thanks for pointing this out. This function is disabled now. Alternatively, you can access the results in the "tmp.SimCenter/results" folder in your local jobs directory (as defined in R2D preferences). You could generate PDF results with spreadsheet editors or text editors that you prefer.

Please let us know what you need to export into a PDF format. We could add the function back if necessary.



Regional Hazard Simulation (R2D, rWhale) / Re: Error in running examples
« on: November 09, 2023, 10:12:02 PM »

I apologize that there is an error when releasing the latest R2D pre-release, and the earthquake scenario simulation tool is down. Please keep an eye on the updating of the R2D pre-release, and we expect this error to be fixed in a couple of days.

Very sorry about the error and delay this may cause.



Regional Hazard Simulation (R2D, rWhale) / Re: Error in running examples
« on: October 27, 2023, 04:45:20 PM »

Collecting inventory data is difficult. Although R2D can be used to assess the performance of building inventory stocks in natural hazards, it is not designed to collect building inventory data. You may refer to the testbeds in R2D to see examples of collecting building inventory data. If you would like to study highway transportation infrastructure, the BRIALS-transportation tool (which can be found in the "Tools" drop-down menu) in  R2D can generate the transportation infrastructure data for HAZUS-style earthquake performance assessment. Please let us know if you need further assistance.



Regional Hazard Simulation (R2D, rWhale) / Re: Error in running examples
« on: October 16, 2023, 05:12:55 PM »

This may be because the Zenodo API server is not working. You could try to download the example files from our GitHub repo: After you download the example files. You can load the example to R2D by going to the "File->Open" option in the menu bar, and load the "/R2DExamples/E1BasicHAZUS/input.json" file.

In the program output panel, after running R2D, there are commands to run the DL calculation, e.g.,
11:47:03 Running damage and loss assessment
         Damage and loss assessment command (1):

"/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.9/bin/python3" "/Applications/" "--filenameDL" "/Users/user/Documents/R2D/LocalWorkDir/tmp.SimCenter/Results/Buildings/8001-AIM.json" "--demandFile" "response.csv" "--DL_Method" "HAZUS MH EQ IM" "--Realizations" "100" "--coupled_EDP" "True" "--detailed_results" "False" "--event_time" "off" "--ground_failure" "False" "--log_file" "True" "--resource_dir" "/Users/user/Documents/R2D/LocalWorkDir/tmp.SimCenter/Results" "--dirnameOutput" "/Users/user/Documents/R2D/LocalWorkDir/tmp.SimCenter/Results/Buildings/8001"
The command performs DL calculations for one asset, and you may have to create a script to call this command for each asset. Also, you may need to pass the full file path of "response.csv" for the "--demandFile".

For debugging, it may be helpful to set up the above Python command in a python debugger.

Hope this helps.


Hello Huy,

Besides different asset information, example 4.6 also has an additional Intensity Measure (IM), which is Inundation Height, i.e., PIH, in the input_data. This IM is later used in the HAZUS-style flood damage and loss assessment. By editing the asset information, IM, and auto_population script (e.g., in Example 4.6), strong winds and flooding can be analyzed separately.

As far as I know, HAZUS does not have damage and loss models for storm surges. As a result, R2D does not have a built-in DL model for storm surges. You can add your costume DL by defining customized fragility functions. An example of defining customized fragility functions can be found in example 4.8.

"Specialized modules" for flood and storm surge modeling are not needed unless custom engineering demand parameters (i.e., different from using IMs as EDP in Example 4.6 & 4.7) are desired. Incorporating custom EDP is currently not supported in R2D and is under development.

Hope this helps to clarify.



Hi David,

The footprint column is duplicated from the geometry column. You can drop the footprint column, and the .gpkg file should work just fine. I am sorry for this.

Also, please remember not to put the input GIS file in the Local Jobs Directory folder you set in R2D preference. Because R2D copies the input GIS files to Local Jobs Directory, putting the input files in the Jobs Directory will cause a recursive file copying.

Please let us know if anything else comes up.



Hi drw02,

If you use IMasEDP structural analysis model, the building inventory data has to have the same attributes as the .csv file in EXAMPLE 1. I attached a .gpkg GIS file containing the same info as the first 1000 buildings in EXAMPLE 1 .csv building inventory file for your reference. If you use other structural analysis models, you may follow the data format in other examples.

For now, R2D only supports .gpkg for GIS input. We will enable loading shapefiles shortly. When you load shapefiles, you have to put the .shx and .dbf files in the same folder as .shp and supply the path to the .shp file to R2D. If you are working with shapefiles now, you may use the Python package geopandas to convert them to .gpkg or .csv files and load the .gpkg or .csv files to R2D.

Hope this helps.



Hi drw02,

I could not identify the error according to the debug.log you attached. Can you attach the information in the "Program Output" panel at the bottom of R2D and describe the simulation you are performing?



Hi Amir,

It seems to be an error on your end, and the second example runs correctly on my computer. Could you please try to uninstall R2D and reinstall the newest pre-release? If the issue is still not solved, we can arrange a Zoom meeting to help you with the problem.



Hi drw02,

Are you using the preRelease version of R2D downloaded from If not, could you please try to download the preRelease and run the simulation again? The preRelease version is the R2D software with bugs fixed from the previous release. Please let us know if you run into the same error using the preRelease. We can look more into this.



Hello CCChen,

In the “/your_username/Documents/R2D/LocalWorkDir/HazardSimulation/GroundMotions/Output” folder, you can find a “RupFile.json” that contains the rupture information, which includes the earthquake rupture location or rupture id, source id, etc.

For your second question, the current Earthquake Scenario Simulation tool user interface may have a bug that doesn’t set the number of scenarios correctly. Could you please check the “Number" subfield of the “Scenario” in your “/your_username/Documents/R2D/LocalWorkDir/HazardSimulation/GroundMotions/Input/EQHazardConfiguration.json” file? If it is different than what you specified in the Earthquake Scenario Simulation user interface, please run the command below in your terminal/command line prompt.

“pathToBackEndApplications/applications/performRegionalEventSimulation/regionalGroundMotion/ --hazard_config /your_username/Documents/R2D/LocalWorkDir/HazardSimulation/GroundMotions/Input/EQHazardConfiguration.json”

where “pathToBackEndApplications” is the backend applications directory specified in R2D/preference. The EQ scenarios will be written to your LocalWorkDir/HazardSimulation/GroundMotions/Output folder.

A new version of R2D will be uploaded to DesignSafe shortly to fix the bug. Hope this helps, and let us know if there is anything else that is needed.



Hi drw02,

This depends on the earthquake scenario simulation method you selected. If you selected "Earthquake Rupture Forecast", it is likely that the R2D database doesn't contain any ruptures in your interested region. Could you please provide the message in "Program output" (i.e., the output printed in the panel at the bottom of R2D GUI) so we can better help you? Also, it would be helpful if you could provide the "/Documents/R2D/LocalWorkDir/HazardSimulation/GroundMotions/Input/EQHazardConfiguration.json" file.



Hello Amir,

The error code might be because a library is missing in your R2D installation. To further assist you, could you please reply and attach the following files?

  • "..\Documents\R2D\LocalWorkDir\tmp.SimCenter\Results\Buildings\1-AIM.json"
  • "..\Documents\R2D\LocalWorkDir\tmp.SimCenter\Results\Buildings\1\workdir.1\EVENT.json"
  • "..\Documents\R2D\LocalWorkDir\tmp.SimCenter\Results\Buildings\1\workdir.1\SAM.json"
  • "..\Documents\R2D\LocalWorkDir\tmp.SimCenter\Results\Buildings\1\workdir.1\EDP.json"

Meanwhile, please check in the R2D program output to see if the "Running Modeling app" stage returned any error. You could also try to run another example or reinstall R2D to see if the error still exists. Please let me know if you have trouble sending the files or if anything is unclear.



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