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Messages - adamzs

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I am posting a discussion I had in email with Vaafoulay K., with their permission, to preserve it for others to see.

Vaafoulay: Can I obtain the +1 standard deviation costs and downtime directly from the DL summary files?

Adam: If you are interested in the mean+1 standard deviation, I suggest looking at another file, the DL_summary_stats.csv. That file provides statistics on the main outputs, including repair cost and repair time. If you take the value in the mean row and add the value in the std row, you'll get the mean + 1 standard deviation result.

Now, you might want to look at some statistics that are not included in that file. For example, it is quite common to assume that the distribution of the results is lognormal and we are interested in the median + 1 log standard deviation. Such results are not provided in the stats file, so you'd have to calculate them using the sample in the DL_summary.csv.  So, you'd open the DL summary file, take the column of interest (e.g., reconstruction/cost) and use an app of your choice (e.g., Excel, Matlab, Python scripts) to calculate the desired statistic based on the available realizations.

Hi Asim,

Thank you for your interest in Pelicun and for asking this question on the Forum.

Let me give you a high-level overview first and I am happy to answer any questions on the details later.

As you probably know, Hazus uses multilinear functions for wind damage and loss assessment. Both function types are defined by a series of values that correspond to damage or loss conditioned on wind speeds that increase in 5 mph increments from 50 mph to 250 mph.

We extracted the above data from Hazus and parsed it for 5076 building archetypes x 5 different terrain roughnesses.

For each archetype-terrain combination:
    - For each damage state:
        - We ran two optimizations to find the best fitting normal and lognormal CDF to the data. The objective function for the fitting was the sum os squared errors at the discrete points (every 5 mph) from 50 mph to 200 mph. Note that we did not consider wind speeds above 200 mph because we were concerned about the robustness of the data in that domain.
        - The distribution family with the smaller error was chosen from these two results.
        - The error magnitude was saved and later reviewed for the entire database. For the vast majority of the data, the fit is almost perfect. I can provide quantitative details if you are interested.
    - Now that we have the fragility functions as CDFs, we calculated the probability of being in each damage state at each of the 5 mph increments from 50 to 200 mph.
    - We ran an optimization where the unknowns were the loss ratios assigned to the first three damage states. The fourth damage state was always assigned a loss ratio of 1.0 (i.e., total loss). The loss ratio assigned to each wind speed is the expected loss, that is, the sum of the product of each damage state's likelihood and the corresponding loss ratio.
    - This optimization was a bit more tricky because we had to add constraints to make sure the loss ratios are monotonically increasing. The objective function used the sum of squared errors between the Hazus losses and our model's losses at each 5 mph increment from 50 mph to 200 mph.
    - The fit was great in most cases, but we found some archetypes where the fragility curves and the loss curves were in such disagreement that their coupling with the above method was only possible with considerable error. We believe the curves we produced for these cases represent a more realistic behavior and consequences than the ones in the Hazus database. Again, I am more than happy to elaborate if you are interested.

The fragility and loss data is available in the developer branch of Pelicun:
    - Fragilities:
    - Losses:

I plan to compile a similar database with the raw Hazus data to facilitate benchmark studies that compare the two approaches.

Let me know if you have further questions.


Damage & Loss (PELICUN) / Re: Generation of Simulated Demands
« on: May 25, 2022, 01:30:20 AM »
Hi Jiajun,

I am writing to let you know that the calibration notebook is on my list of todos and I'll get to it shortly.

Thank you for your patience.


Hi Pooya,

I just wanted to let you know that I've released a new version of Pelicun3, we are at 3.1.b6 now. It might be a good idea to run the comparison with the new version.

I also updated the FEMA P58 example notebook on DesignSafe with a lot of additional details and explanation:


Damage & Loss (PELICUN) / Re: Uncertainty in consequence models
« on: May 25, 2022, 01:26:01 AM »
Hi Andres,

Apologies for the late response.

I decided to make a few enhancements in Pelicun to streamline the process of adding a new distribution type. I've just released v3.1.b6 and also updated the Example notebook on DesignSafe with a lot of additional details and explanation on how Pelicun 3 works. I encourage you to take a look here:

Read on if you are still interested in adding the skew normal distribution.

First, you'll need to have the source code available locally. I also recommend linking this version of pelicun to your active Python on the local system to make testing easier. I am not sure how familiar you are with the steps to do this, so let me give you a few tips - please don't hesitate to ask me if you need more information:
- You should get pelicun from the main NHERI-SimCenter account on GitHub. The master branch always provides the latest stable release. Since you are interested in extending the code, you'll need the develop branch; you can find that here:
- I suggest forking the NHERI-SimCenter/pelicun repo and then cloning the develop branch of your own fork to your local hard drive. This will give you the latest version of the code base.
- In your local system, you can store pelicun in any location and make sure Python finds it by adding it to the PYTHONPATH environment variable or by using the externals.pth file. I am happy to provide more information on either of these if you are not familiar with them.
- Once you set things up properly, you should see 3.1.b6 when you import pelicun and check pelicun.__ version__ in a python interpreter.
- Now you can make your edits, test the resulting code and, when you are happy with it, I would appreciate if you committed your contributions to the main repo so that everyone can use this new distribution. To do that, you'll need to first commit your changes to the develop branch on your fork of pelicun and then open a pull request from your develop branch to the develop branch of the main repo. When I see your pull request, I'll test your version and - if everything looks okay - I'll accept it.

That's it, that's how you can extend pelicun and share your work with the community.

Now, let's see how you would go about adding a new distribution. You'll only need to make changes in the uq module to do this. See the latest version of the script here for reference: . Note that if the uq module gets updated by the time you are reading this, you can always click on history in the top right and go back to today's version so that the line numbers I give below will point to the right location.

Sampling an N dimensional multivariate distribution in Pelicun follows the logic below (see generate_sample method starting at line 1465):
- Sample an N dimensional uniform distribution using Monte Carlo or Latin Hypercube Sampling
- If there are variables across the N dimensions with non-zero correlation, apply the prescribed correlations assuming a Gaussian copula function. First, we try to use a fast Cholesky transformation; if this fails because the correlation matrix is not positive semidefinite, we use another method based on Singular Value Decomposition to apply correlations that preserve as much as possible from the prescribed correlation matrix.
- Perfect correlation can be handled very efficiently with a special 'anchor' feature, but that is almost surely outside of scope for your edits; let me know if you want to know more about it.
- Finally, we take each marginal and use inverse probability integral transformation to transform the sample from uniform distribution to the desired distribution.

Adding a new distribution only affects the last step of the above (as long as you don't want to have some special, non-Gaussian copula function also included - let me know if you do). Below is a list of locations where you'd need to make edits:
- Add the name of the new distribution and a description of its parameters in the documentation at the top of the RandomVariable class - line 791-827; add more info at least under 'distribution' and 'theta' parameters, but potentially also to others, if needed. Currently, Pelicun supports up to three parameters for distributions. That should be sufficient for the skew normal, but let me know if you need more than three.
- If the new distribution requires some special checks, you can add those in the init method (line 829). See, for example, that the multinomial distribution is checked to have probabilities sum up to at most 1.0.
- The cdf() method (line 994) returns the Cumulative Distribution Function ordinates for a given set of x values. You'll need to add your distribution here in an elif clause. Take a look at how the existing distributions are handled and try to mimic the same robustness:
   - You'll see that we get the parameters of the distribution in the theta vector and truncation limits in another vector. Truncation limits can be undefined which should lead to an unbounded distribution in one or both ends and not throw an error.
   - As for the parameters of the distribution, they are typically mandatory, but in some cases we can have rules set up to replace missing values - e.g., see how the limits of the uniform distribution are optional and replaced with infinite values if missing.
   - Make sure the input values are valid inputs to the CDF. For example, 0 and negative numbers are not part of the input domain for the lognormal CDF, so we need to make sure zeros are replaced by the smallest positive number (the computer can handle) in line 1050. This also shows that in general I try to make Pelicun work and handle issues gracefully rather than throwing error messages all the time when something out of the ordinary happens. So, someone feeding a zero to a lognormal CDF will get a probability of 0. I believe in most cases this behavior is preferred over the error message that would terminate execution.
   - I suggest starting with the implementation of the non-truncated version of the distribution. After testing and making sure that it works, you shall expand it by adding the truncation option. Let me know if you need help with this.
- The next method to edit is the inverse_transform() starting at line 1070. Here, you'll need to add an elif clause; I'd add it after line 1144 because the distribution you plan to add belongs to the normal family. The task is similar to the cdf method, but you are implementing an inverse cdf function here:
   - Note that the sample_size argument of the method is only used in special cases. If you implement a skew normal distribution, you should expect to have an array of values (which come from the [0,1] uniform distribution following the sampling logic I explained earlier) that your script will transform to the target distribution.
   - Pay attention to handling missing inputs and truncation limits - the advice I gave for the cdf() method applies here too.
- Finally, you'll need to edit the scale_distribution() method at the top of the uq module (line 70). This method is used by various models in Pelicun to scale input parameters defined in one unit to the SI unit that is used internally. Scaling distributions so far was straightforward as you'll see in the implementation - I hope the skew normal will not be an exception. Note that I define the normal distribution with the mean and coefficient of variation so that the second parameter is unitless and does not need to be scaled. It might be worth pulling similar tricks with the skew normal.

That's it. At this point you have the skew normal distribution implemented and you can sample it by creating a RandomVariable object, adding it to a RandomVariableRegistry and then calling the generate_sample() method of that registry. This is done all over the model module: For example, take a look at the generate_cmp_sample() method starting at line 1165. The _create_cmp_RVs() creates the RandomVariable objects and the registry (line 1139) and then at line 1180 we sample the registry.

Notice that RandomVariable objects are created by feeding the family and parameters of the distribution to the uq module automatically. Using the previous cmp example, take a look at line 1150 in the model module. As long as you feed in the correct name for the family and valid parameters, your new distribution should work immediately without making any changes to the .

The only exception to this is the LossModel - currently, only normal and lognormal random variables are supported for probabilistic loss calculation. Let me know if you want to include the skewed normal there and I can help you set that up.

I hope you'll find the above helpful. Please let me know if you're working on this and don't hesitate to ask questions here if you run into any issues.

Hi Pooya,

Thank you for sharing those results. Such comparisons are always very helpful in verifying newly developed code.

In this particular case, I can offer two ideas on where the difference might come from.

First, make sure the demand sample is identical. If PACT assumes an increase in the variance of the lognormally distributed EDPs, make sure that assumption is made in Pelicun as well. I expect that you've checked this.

The second option is a bit more complicated: There is an important steps in the loss estimation of FEMA P-58 that do not receive a lot of attention in the official volumes: the calculation of the quantity of damage for modeling the economies of scale.

There are multiple ways of performing this task and the different approaches can lead to substantially different results. I have been collaborating with researchers at McMaster University and IUSS Pavia to investigate these issues and their impact on FEMA P-58 assessments. We are going to present a conference paper about it in the upcoming 12NCEE.

I'll give you a brief overview of the issue and suggest a solution below.

When it comes to the quantity of damaged components you need to decide if you want to aggregate damages across all floors of the building and if you want to aggregate damages across all damage states. These choices lead to four options:
- all floors, all damage states
- all floors, but only the given damage state
- only the given floor, all damage states
- only the given floor and only the given damage state

The first option can lead to a much larger quantity of damage than the last option, especially for medium and high rise buildings. This often yields a substantial reduction in repair consequences and their variance - because the variance of consequence functions in FEMA P-58 depends on their median value.
PACT uses the first option: all floors all damage states approach.
Pelicun 3 allows you to choose the approach you'd like to use, but the default setting is the second option: all floors, individual damage state. When you initialize an Assessment, you can provide a list of settings in a dictionary. One of those settings is "EconomiesOfScale". I have already written up a description of it in an updated version of the example from the first Live Expert Tips that I'll release shortly. Here is what I write there:

EconomiesOfScale: Controls how the damages are aggregated when the economies of scale are calculated. Expects the following dictionary: {'AcrossFloors': bool, 'AcrossDamageStates': bool} where bool is either True or False. Default: {'AcrossFloors': True, 'AcrossDamageStates': False}
- 'AcrossFloors' if True, aggregates damages across floors to get the quantity of damage. If False, it uses damaged quantities and evaluates economies of scale independently for each floor.
- 'AcrossDamageStates' if True, aggregates damages across damage states to get the quantity of damage. If False, it uses damaged quantities and evaluates economies of scale independently for each damage state.

For example, initializing the assessment like this should reproduce PACT's behavior:

PAL = Assessment({
    "PrintLog": True,
    "Seed": 415,
    "EconomiesOfScale": {"AcrossFloors": True, "AcrossDamageStates": True}

I suggest running the calculation with the above settings and comparing the results to PACT again. If the difference persists, you might have found a bug.

Please let me know how it goes.


Damage & Loss (PELICUN) / Re: Generation of Simulated Demands
« on: May 05, 2022, 05:19:50 PM »
Hi Jiajun,

Are you familiar with Google Colab? I could prepare a notebook that shows you an example usage. If not, I can just post a series of commands here that you can use as a template.

As for the environmental impact, please don't feel any pressure about this. I will get the feature added before the end of the year anyway, so the only reason for you to get involved is if you want to have it available before then.

Let me know your preference on Colab and I'll share the template for demand calibration.


Hi Pooya,

Thanks for the feedback. I'll make the update in the next release.


Damage & Loss (PELICUN) / Re: Generation of Simulated Demands
« on: May 05, 2022, 01:43:37 AM »
Hi Jiajun,

Do you want to use the Matlab code provided by FEMA P58 or you want to reproduce the method from Appendix G in Pelicun?
That method describes fitting a multivariate lognormal distribution to EDP data, increasing the log standard deviations, and then sampling it. Pelicun can certainly do this if you are interested.

 1 The values in the example are indeed different from the data provided in the tables that you pasted. I wanted to have EDPs for two directions and those tables only provide one value per floor. Furthermore, I could not find in the document what those values are. They might be the average, geometric mean, maximum, or some other combination of the results in the two directions.
The nonlinear analysis results from Figure 1-14 - 1-21 gave me the 10th percentile, median, and 90th percentile of EDPs in two directions on each floor at each intensity level. Those were sufficient information to fit a lognormal distribution and I considered them the raw results of the analysis. Note that these do not match the results in Table 1-35 - 1-42, so those must have been processed in some way.
If you have some suggestions of how to reconcile those differences, please let me know.

2. I have good news: adding environmental impact is high on our list. The framework is ready to support it, but the actual timeline depends on who gets the job done. The worst-case scenario is I have to do it, which means it will be available sometime around the end of this year. I might get some help from graduate students that could expedite this development by a few months.
If you are interested in adding this feature, that's also an option and I would be more than happy to guide you on the way. To give you an idea of what such a development would entail:
- You'd need to create a new consequence function table that describes the parameters of functions used for environmental impacts. This is similar to the repair cost/time table I already have prepared in a CSV file.
- Then, you'd need to add a new child class of the LossModel in the module that handles the calculation of such impacts. Based on my superficial understanding of the environmental impact calculation, you might be able to use most of the BldgRepairModel and perhaps even have the EnvironmentalImpactModel be a child of that class to make the calculation simpler.
That's all we need to get this done. Let me know if you're interested.


Damage & Loss (PELICUN) / Re: Uncertainty in consequence models
« on: May 05, 2022, 01:16:58 AM »
Hi Andres,

I'm sorry for the delay. I'll get back to you with a detailed description tomorrow.


Hi Pooya,

That's a great question.

The offset defined in FEMA P58 for D.30.31.023 is 0. I think this suggests the developers of P58 intended to assign it to the floor of a story - rather than to the ceiling - which makes perfect sense. Let me walk you through two approaches to handle the ground floor and roof cases:

1, Expand the component library
You could add another chiller component to the library (i.e., another row to the fragility_DB_FEMA_P58_2nd.csv file) that has an offset of 1 and otherwise is identical to the existing chiller. You could call this D.30.31.023_roof, for example. Then, if you want to put a chiller on the roof, you would assign this component to the top floor. If you want to put a chiller on any other floor, you would assign the original component to that floor.

2, Assign the component to a non-existing story
Pelicun will not have a problem with you assigning a component to the 5th floor of a 4-story building. You could keep using the original component from FEMA P58 and specify its location as 5. Then, internally, pelicun will see that the component uses PFA as demand and look for a PFA-4 to calculate the damage - which is exactly what you want.

Looking at the two options above, the second one seems more intuitive to me. I am inclined to revise the interpretation of the 'roof' keyword to be parsed as "number of stories + 1". That would make it easy for users to assign such components to the roof without having to worry about the above mechanism inside Pelicun. If you agree, I will get this implemented in the upcoming 3.1.b5

Let me know your thoughts.


Hi Pooya,

Thanks for the extensive testing and great questions!

The location parameter in pelicun3 works slightly differently from pelicun 2. I'll explain below and that will hopefully answer all your questions.

First of all, the "0" location is considered special and reserved for components where the location is not applicable. Think about 'collapse', for example. Pelicun treats those locations and components assigned to those locations differently.

When it comes to components in FEMA P58, you do not need to assign anything to "0". If the component is on the ground floor, you would assign it to "1". You correctly mention that the traction elevator, for example, shall be assigned to the ground floor to be able to use the PGA as a demand. But that mapping of component location to demand location happens automatically inside pelicun. When a component uses floor acceleration, the demands automatically come from the bottom of the floor, that is, from PFA-0. For components that are on the roof, there is an offset variable in the metadata that tell pelicun to get the acceleration from the top slab - so it is okay to assign roof components to the top floor because the offset will make sure you get the right acceleration value for them.

When you use "all" in the location column, it is replaced internally with "1-#stories". Hence, pelicun never assigns anything to the roof.

When you use "roof", it is replaced with the top story, not the top story + 1.

As I mentioned earlier, some components, such as the suspended ceiling, have an offset of 1 prescribed so that the PFA values from the top slab are used to assess their damage.

I think the above information already answers your first question.

As for your second question, I would like to emphasize that component assignment is not influenced by the type of demand the component uses. I intentionally decoupled these to make asset modeling more straightforward. All you need to consider when assigning components is which floor they are actually in.

As for your third question, if you put 2-4 in the location column, pelicun would consider stories 2, 3, and 4. The 0-4 option is not recommended because floor 0 has a special meaning as I explained earlier.

Let me know if any of the above is not clear.


Performance Based Engineering (PBE) / Re: Fragility Data
« on: May 03, 2022, 09:57:14 PM »
Hi Aram,

I hope you could successfully import the fragility database.

As for the components you asked about earlier, I took a look at the NQET spreadsheet. As far as I understand, the spreadsheet is designed to provide you the quantity of those missing ("None found") component types, but FEMA P58 does not have a corresponding fragility function to use to describe their damage. I assume the spreadsheet and the fragilities were developed by different working groups in the project and not everything lined up perfectly in the end.

You can confirm this by looking at the "Normative Quantity Database" sheet where you'll see those broad component groups listed in Column J. The quantities assigned to various occupancy types are to the right and the components assigned to each group are to the left (column D). Now, the groups you highlighted all have NONE AVAILABLE in column D. Furthermore, if you take a note of the group ID listed in column C for them (that is, D302, D309, and D502, respectively), and go to the "Fragility Database" sheet, you'll see that those IDs are not available in column B.

If this was a consulting project, I would encourage you to look at the literature and try to find a way to model the fragility of those components. Since this is a homework assignment, I suggest checking with your instructor to make sure they're okay with you leaving these out.


Damage & Loss (PELICUN) / Re: Probability of repairable damage
« on: May 03, 2022, 09:37:41 PM »
Hi Pooya,

I see, thank you for the clarification.

Your understanding is correct; my answer is yes to your first and second questions.

As for your third question, I picked 2e7 because the replacement cost was set to 2.16e7 (see the additional_consequences table in the Consequence data section) and I was focusing on removing total losses from the results.

The 50% you suggest I assume comes from your literature review - FEMA P58 indeed suggests using 0.4-0.5 of the replacement cost as the threshold beyond which an owner would not choose to repair. I did not consider that in the Jupyter notebook because my objective with this filter was to create a nice plot that focuses on the distribution of repair costs and times. You can think about those 'repairable' cases as damages that can be repaired but might not be economical to repair. So, the actual proportion of repaired realization is less than or equal to the repairable ones.

I hope this makes sense. Let me know if you have any follow-up questions.


Damage & Loss (PELICUN) / Re: Component Quantity and Units
« on: May 03, 2022, 06:12:41 AM »
Hi Pooya,

Thank you for these questions; I can assure you, they are very well received and welcome. Please don't hesitate to ask.

The short answer is that you do not need to worry about what the unit specified in the database as long as you use the same type of unit (i.e., length, area, volume, etc.).

The C10.11.001a is a perfect example of a case where I did not follow that rule: I should've used 'ft' for the partition walls. Pelicun cannot convert between area and length units because it does not know what the missing dimension of the partition wall should be. You can see all of the available units in the module of Pelicun here:
I will fix the portion wall units and update the notebook.

In the databases, I kept the units used in the original document to show that a person who develops fragility or consequence functions does not need to worry about what units they used to define those functions because pelicun will automatically perform the conversions in the background.

As for the low-voltage switchgear, the units provided in the FEMA P58 documentation are somewhat misleading. I double-checked this with researchers who were involved in the development of the P58 methodology: all components that have TN, AP, CF, or KV units should be calculated as if they had EA. The rationale is that you would need to know how many of those equipment you have rather than providing a measure of their weight, capacity, or performance. That's why I replaced these measures with EA even in the supporting database.

I hope this helps and thanks for catching that error with the ft2.

Let me know if you have more questions.


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