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Messages - kuanshi

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Earthquake Engineering (EE-UQ) / Re: saving results from EE-UQ
« on: October 06, 2021, 07:17:03 PM »
Hi Anne,

Thanks for your feedback!  Yes, I'll set the default to the csv-formatted output - this would be included in the next release planned around December - but would let you know once I have it in a developer built for your testing.


Hi Anne,

Sorry about the late response! Yes, I added a version selection (3.10, 3.11, and 3.12) for OpenQuake in the latest developer built ( - when switching between versions the old db.sqlite3 file would be removed automatically by the backend before launching a new run.  Please feel free to test it and let us know if you have any questions or comments as usual.

I'm still working on to enable running openquake on design-safe to support your need and would get you back for testing and feedback once it is completed.


Earthquake Engineering (EE-UQ) / Re: retrieving tmp files from DesignSafe
« on: October 01, 2021, 06:49:08 PM »
Thanks for reporting this bug. The run failed by missing input csv files and a pandas package issue in the AutoSDA on stampede.  We were able to fix it this morning, and Frank has submitted a new release request for EE-UQ hopefully would get through DesignSafe today and be available for you to download and run.  We could also add you to access the corrected backend application right now, so please let us know if this is needed.

Also for downloading the tmp.SimCenter folder (it could be troublesome if the output size gets large...).  The geometry, loading csv files could be saved locally by the "Choose" and "Save File" buttons in the "Building Data File", and we can discuss to add option to download the periods.out file (?) if needed. 

In the meantime, DesignSafe actually offers the full access to the entire job folder via the "Workspace":
0. logging into the DesignSafe account
1. selecting "Tools & Applications" under "Workspace" (tool_&_app.png)
2. clicking the "Jobs Status" bar on the right to extend the job list (jobs_status.png)
3. clicking on "More info" button of a completed job and clicking "View" (view_more_info.png)
4. arriving at the page with the "tmp.SimCenter..." folder (tmpSimCenter.png)

This gives flexibility to browse, preview, and download individual files that is interested and needed. Please feel free to check out and get us back!


Earthquake Engineering (EE-UQ) / Re: pushover results for AutoSDA
« on: October 01, 2021, 06:16:09 PM »
Hi Anne,

Thanks for the feedback and would discuss with Adam about the design process.  And yes, we will add a button to invoke the AutoSDA to run and access the results of pushover analysis.


Earthquake Engineering (EE-UQ) / Re: pushover results for AutoSDA
« on: September 30, 2021, 07:33:28 AM »
Hi Anne,

Thanks for following up and sharing the tmp.SimCenter folder with us.  I tried to test a run in workdir.1 and the pushover analysis is able to be run - could you please try to help test followings:

(1) please download my with the uncommented pushover also uploaded to the google drive you shared with us and use it to replace the old one under the EE-UQ_Windows/applications/createSAM/AutoSDA/;
(2) please launch a terminal and direct to the workdir.1 under the tmp.SimCenter
(3) in the workdir.1 folder please open the workflow_driver.bat and find the 6th command that invokes the - please copy that command into the terminal and remove the quotations around argument keys (e.g., my command is C:\Users\kuans\Downloads\EE-UQ_Windows\EE-UQ_Windows_Download\applications\python\python.exe "C:/Users/kuans/Downloads/EE-UQ_Windows/EE-UQ_Windows_Download/applications/createSAM/AutoSDA/" --filenameBIM "BIM.json" --filenameEVENT "EVENT.json" --filenameSAM "SAM.json")
(4) please run that command to see if the pushover could be run.

If the above test works, please try to launch the entire run from EE-UQ - feel free to get us back if it still has issues and we could find time to sort them out together.

And for the question on design (sorry about the misunderstanding the question) - yes, the design step would be repeated in individual workdir folders as each would run the same


Earthquake Engineering (EE-UQ) / Re: pushover results for AutoSDA
« on: September 29, 2021, 06:54:08 AM »
Hi Anne,

Yes, the current AutoSDA adpots the ELF method for designing the frame which is based on elastic analysis (please refer to Guan. et al., Python-based computational platform to automate seismic design, nonlinear structural model construction and analysis of steel moment resisting frames, for more details) - so the pushover analysis in individual workdir is for the same structure (not redesigned for every ground motion).

And for using if statement to avoid duplicating pushover runs in multiple workdir folders, maybe try to encapsulate the "subprocess.Popen("OpenSees Model.tcl, shell=True).wait()" in "if 'workdir.1' in target_model:" - this would invoke the pushover run only for the first workdir.


Earthquake Engineering (EE-UQ) / Re: pushover results for AutoSDA
« on: September 28, 2021, 05:44:26 AM »
Hi Anne,

The AutoSDA package is kindly shared by its developer for implementing it for dynamic analysis in EE-UQ.  Some modules are not used, e.g., the EigenValueAnalysis and PushoverAnalysis in the main_program are commented  by EE-UQ (as not used for nonlinear time history analysis).  The fundamental periods are still computed by the EigenValueAnalysis during the "seismic_design" step (invoked by the ElasticAnalysis) and the eigen analysis is also conducted later in nonlinear_analysis_solver.tcl for setting up Rayleigh damping.

To run these commented analysis, please just uncomment the corresponding section (e.g., Perform Nonlinear Pushover Analysis) in the main_program with a minor patch: replace the "pathDataFolder" in "target_model = pathDataFolder + "/BuildingNonlinearModel/" + analysis_type" with "os.path.dirname(pathDataFolder".  This would run the uncommented analysis under individual workdir (e.g., LocalWorkDir/tmp.SimCenter/workdir.X/BuildingNonlinearModels/PushoverAnalysis) - the result folder (e.g., PushOverOutput) are also in that directory.  Based on the model complexity, the pushover analysis sometimes may take a while to be completed.


Hi Emily,

The error is caused by the incorrect values in the "Footprint" column of the building inventory csv.  The "Footprint" is reserved for providing a polygon of the geometric shape of the building footprint (e.g., the last column in  Could you try to remove it from the building inventory to see if this could help resolve the issue?


Hi Emily,

Could you please share the log.txt (under Results folder), inputRWHALE.json (under tmp.SimCenter folder), and a sample of your building inventory csv file with us to help us replicate and debug the error - many thanks in advance!


Hi Anne,

Sure - I can add an option in R2D UI to include or exclude the backarc attribute and set the default to not have it.  Thank you so much for this feedback!


Hi Anne,

Yes, OpenQuake modified the main run command after 3.11.x and also reorganized "datastore" module (from baselib to commonlib) and a few other log methods since 3.12.x... So, I'm actually working on this to make the R2D compatible with released versions since 3.10.x.

In addition to this, I wonder if it's common that users may also like to have their own instance of OpenQuake (with unique local features) - if that is the case I can also add an option to use the local instance instead of the official release.

Many thanks,

Hi emongold,

Sorry about the late response and thanks for sharing the with us.  From the evt.j file in the templatedir, it seems that the EventGrid.csv is not loaded as expected. 

Could you help to check if the loaded EventGrid.csv in "HAZ" panel is the one under the "R2D/LocalWorkDir/HazardSimulation/GroundMotions/Output/" along with site#.csv and ground motion records - note that the "Earthquake Scenario Simulation" would also generate a "IMs" folder under the "R2D/LocalWorkDir/HazardSimulation/GroundMotions/Output/". The EventGrid.csv inside this "IMs" folder, however, is not the expected to be loaded by R2D as the site#.csv files in "IMs" do not direct to records but simulated Sa.

Again, sorry about the inconvenience, and please feel free to get us back if this could help resolve the issue - if not we could further look into your input_data as well as other potential places that may cause the issue.


Regional Hazard Simulation (R2D, rWhale) / Re: openquake poe values
« on: September 21, 2021, 12:28:46 AM »
Hi Anne,

Sure - thank you so much for catching this!  Yes, I'll modify the FetchOpenQuake with your correction.


Earthquake Engineering (EE-UQ) / Re: AutoSDA results for 10+ stories
« on: September 21, 2021, 12:03:55 AM »
Thanks for following up!  Yes, the main_program does not directly invoke OpenSees to record but writes SAM files with record-requesting messages that are then parsed by standardEarthquakeEDP and OpenSeesPreprocessor to add recording commands in a model script.  And the model script is called by OpenSees later to run the simulation and saving the requested EDP recordings.


Earthquake Engineering (EE-UQ) / Re: AutoSDA results for 10+ stories
« on: September 20, 2021, 09:38:46 PM »
Hi Anne,

Sorry about the belated reply and the issue!  Yes, the recording issue was fixed in the commit: and the peak drifts are available by the commit:

These two commits have not been in the current release on June 24 but will be included in the next version.  However, just for a quick patch locally, please download the AutoSDA from here: and use it to replace the one under your local EE-UQ (in "EE-UQ_Windows_Download/applications/createSAM/AutoSDA").  Plesae feel free to get us back if you have any trouble!


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