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Messages - kuanshi

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Hi Anne,

From the log.txt it seems that the app does not find ground motion events, wondering if you could please try to select ground motion records in the EVT panel (please feel free to check out detailed steps here:

And please feel free to get me back if you still have the same or any other issue!


Hi Anne,

Just following up this post - the outdated figures have been replaced and the online documentation will be updated soon (, please check it out later.  Thank you so much again for reporting this issue to us!

Also, the latest EE-UQ now also supports example management which could automatically load sample configuration/input files (please see the attached snapshot below and let us know if you have any other comments or suggestions!)


Installation / Re: EE-UQ interface doesn't fit on screen
« on: July 02, 2021, 08:06:45 PM »
Hi Anne,

This issue might be related to the screen resolution.  Can you try to change the resolution in the "Settings" (,,On%20your%20Mac%2C%20choose%20Apple%20menu%20%3E%20System%20Preferences%2C,click%20Displays%2C%20then%20click%20Display.&text=Press%20and%20hold%20the%20Option,option%20for%20the%20second%20display.).

If this does not work out, maybe try to use mouse to resize the message window either laterally or vertically, just to see if the view can be recovered. Please let me know if these could help to resume the view and maybe we could schedule a meeting to sort this issue out together.

Kuanshi (

Hi Anne, thank you so much for notifying this issue to us!  We are working to update this example now and would get you back soon.


Thank you for these great questions, nsk! I'm happy to respond to the first three mainly related to the HAZ tab.
1. The hazard and ground motion selection module mainly supports scenario-based simulation (given an earthquake scenario, simulating the resulting spatial correlated intensity map and selecting ground motions).
2. The ground motions for each grid site are selected based on the site's target response spectra (including median and standard deviation). The target response spectra are computed conditional on the given magnitude and site-to-source distance. Meanwhile, both the inter-event and between-event correlations are considered in computing these target spectra.
3. The "Earthquake Name" is taken by the tool to look for rupture sources whose name contains the "Earthquake Name" string in the ERF. The tool would also filter the plausible ruptures by the user-defined earthquake characteristics (e.g., magnitude) if any. And then the tool would randomly sample one plausible rupture in the remaining ruptures for the selected earthquake scenario.

Hi omarissa, this error could be caused by missing the Auto-SDA module and we've uploaded a new release of EE-UQ on DesignSafe which now should be able to resolve this issue (  Also, please feel free to check out a new Auto-SDA example ( and get us back if you have any questions or comments!

Hi Mariana and kubee77,

The updated Anchorage example is now available via the link:, which is configured for running on the newly released rWhale-2.3.0 (!/rWhale-2.3.0u1#workspace).

To submit the analysis job in the DesignSafe workspace, please first zip the "input_data" folder and select it as the "Regional Simulation Data" in the "Inputs" widget; and then select the "rWHALE_Anchorage.json" as the "Workflow Configuration File". The v2.3.0 also allows to run a subset of the entire building inventory by specifying "filter for buildings to run" (e.g., 1-10 for running the first 10 buildings", 1,3-10 for skipping the second building) - or specifying the "filter" in the configuration file.

We're working on the documentation of these updated examples along with the R2DTool and backend applications, please check out the latest documentation page:, and feel free to come back to us if you have questions or comments.


Hi Mariana - really sorry about the delay - we still need some time to unify the data format for the Anchorage case and the latest backend applications. We will keep you updated and many thanks again for your patience!

Yes, Mariana - the source code of latest rWHALE is available in SimCenter repo SimCenterBackendApplications:

Hi Mariana,

Yes, since the rWhale application has been upgraded to v2.2.0 and there might be incompatibility in the data input format for running the previous AnchorageM.7 simulation - we're looking into the issue now and will get you back ASAP - thank you for your patience!


Hi wangcb98, the issue comes from the recent commit by the OpenSHA-1.5.2 ( where the site data were moved to the commons and their corresponding servlet paths were updated, so the old url in OpenSHA-1.4.0 cannot be recognized anymore.

The solution is to rebuild your EQHazard with the updated dependency to the OpenSHA-1.5.2. It can resolve the issue of "null" ground motion in your case. We're now in the process of testing other examples before making a merge commit. But you're welcome to check out the current source code from

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