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Messages - Sang-ri

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Can you change "C:/quoFEM_Windows_Download\applications\opensees\bin" to "C:/quoFEM_Windows_Download\applications\opensees\bin\OpenSees" and see if it works?


I apologize that I missed one important step. It is not running because the commands "python" and "opensees" are not recognized.

There are two choices:

You can add to the Windows "PATH environment variable" the two directories where Python and OpenSees executables are located [the directories can be found in the quoFEM preference]. Here is an example of how to add to the PATH variable. Please note that these paths should end at the folder level ("bin") and should not include the executable name.

An alternative is to find "workflow_driver1.bat" and "driver.bat" created inside "templatedir", open it with a text editor, and replace the commands "python" and "opensees" to {python path} and {opensees path}, similarly to what we did for Dakota.

Please let me know if something is unclear. Thanks!



Thank you for the info. We think this number should be 128 instead of 64. While we figure out the solution, can you try the following workaround and let us know if this makes CPU occupied 100%?

1. Modify the number after "asynchronous evaluation_concurrency" in from 64 to 128
2. Remove all files and folders in the local working directory except for "" and "templatedir"
3. Find the path of the Dakota executable from the preference window of quoFEM. Let us denote this {dakota path}
4. Open the command prompt, cd into the folder where is located, and type "{dakota path}" (without the quotation marks)

It will run the forward propagation analysis, and the results will be shown in dakotaTab.out.

Thank you,


To help us identify the reason why the CPU is not fully occupied, can you please follow the below steps?

1. In the server, find a file named "" created by quoFEM. This should be in the folder where the working directories are located ("C:\Users\SimCenter\Documents\quoFEM\LocalWorkDir\tmp.SimCenter" in my machine)
2. open "" using a text editor
3. Please let us know the number written after the keyword "asynchronous evaluation_concurrency"

Thank you,

Awesome, thanks for the update! We will get back to your new question soon


Thanks much for the very detailed description of the issue. It helps us a lot!

If the postproc script is being called before the output files are fully written, one possible solution to prevent this is to add "remove recorders" at the end of the main script.

Typically, OpenSees does not finish writing files until the process reaches the end of the "script". When quoFEM runs, the script it calls is "SimCenterInput.tcl" [This can be found inside working directies] that includes both main and postprocessing scripts. To enforce OpenSees to finalize writing before running the postprocessing script, please try adding the command "remove recorders" at the end of the main script.

Please let us if this works.


Earthquake Engineering (EE-UQ) / Re: Validating the Surrogate Model
« on: June 16, 2023, 06:04:59 PM »
Hi Gaurav,

Regarding the third question, quoFEM and EE-UQ have an alternative surrogate modeling method (using Gaussian Process) which also displays LOOCV metrics that you may find interesting. See example here


Uncertainty Quantification (quoFEM) / Re: Build QuoFEM on Linux HPC
« on: May 24, 2023, 12:38:36 AM »

Yes, quoFEM can be built on Linux. Please follow the instruction in the quoFEM documentation - how to build section.

If you encounter any difficulties or come across errors while following the instructions, please let us know. We can also set up a quick Zoom call to troubleshoot if needed/preferred.


Awesome, thanks again for reporting this.

Hi Gaurav,

Thanks for sharing the input files. I was able to reproduce the bug and find a workaround. The problem was that the input files contained a hidden UTF-8 BOM (Byte Order Mark) character, and this caused a failure in our csv parser. The presence of BOM character pertains to the encoding option when the csv file is created. One way to remove this symbol from your files is to use notepad++ software.

1. Open the csv file through notepad++. On the bottom right, it will show "UTF-8-BOM".
2. To change this, in the menubar, press "Encoding"-"UTF-8"
3. Save the file.

I attached examples of the converted files. Hope this will allow you to run EE-UQ.

The PLoM manual is currently missing in EE-UQ documentation. I am sorry about that - this will be updated when we release the new EE-UQ version in the coming week. Meanwhile, please refer to the quoFEM documentation , which basically has the exact same PLoM module, especially for the "import data file" option.


Hello Gaurav,

Thanks for reporting the issue! Can you please share the input/output files, or part of them, to help us reproduce the error? When we tested it on our side, it ran fine with the attached files. A slight difference in the file format may have caused the error.

We are indeed working on improving the documentation & error display, and your feedback like this is much appreciated.


Earthquake Engineering (EE-UQ) / Re: Local vs DesignSafe runs EEUQ
« on: February 22, 2023, 09:30:27 PM »
Hi Francisco, we were able to reproduce this issue using a Windows machine and now it is fixed. Thanks much for reporting the bug!

OpenSeesPy now works on DesignSafe. Please let us know if Example 2 still gives an error.



Thanks for posting! This is a known issue and the fix is currently underway.

The issue is because the current distribution of openseespy is incompatible with running inside mpi applications like those in our tools, so we are trying to solve it by building our own version of openseespy and linking it with the simcenter tools.

We will update here when it becomes available again.


Uncertainty Quantification (quoFEM) / Re: QuoFEM Sensitivity Analysis
« on: December 17, 2022, 01:07:16 AM »
Hello Pellumb, thanks for the question and for sharing the results!

It is likely that different algorithms will produce slightly different results because of the (1) sampling variability and (2) different assumptions that each algorithm makes. In this case, because you were able to run enough number of simulations, the results from dakota engine are likely more accurate and thus preferred.

The method in the dakota engine ( efficient monte-carlo ) is asymptotically unbiased, meaning it is guaranteed to converge to the 'exact' values when a large number of samples are available. If you specify 1500 samples, the results should be pretty accurate in most applications.

The approach in SimCenterUQ engine ( PM-GSA ), on the other hand, introduces more assumptions to achieve faster convergence. Because of these assumptions, even when we run enough number of simulations, the results may still be biased. However, there are situations where this method is preferred to the one above, for example: (1) when the simulation model is very expensive, so only a limited number of samples (maybe a few hundred) are available; (2) when the random variables are correlated; (3) when Monte Carlo samples are already available, so you want to directly import the dataset instead of running simulations again; (4) when you would like to calculate 'joint sensitivity indices' or 'higher-order sensitivity indices'

Hope this will help!


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