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Messages - fmk

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Educational Applications / Re: TFT does not run properly with M1
« on: May 09, 2022, 10:40:41 PM »
Are there any error messages that pop up when you try and run it. thanks.

I need to see the WE-UQ input file. thanks.

Is this a question related to your use of OpenFOAM in general or OpenFOAM through the WE-UQ or TinF SimCenter applications? If the former, this is not an OpenFOAM forum. If the latter, could you please attach a copy of the input file you are using for these applications.



Ajay, as you probably know from his email and online meetings with you on the matter, has just forwarded me the details and I have promised him something by end of weekend. I am using this space as I don't have your direct email just to confirm: (a) that you are not looking for a 3d continuum finite element model and are content with a simple beam model and that (b) you are interested in the following outputs from the model:
(1)Maximum vertical and transverse displacement and (2)Peak acceleration in time history of the deck given that the loads will be coming from an CFD simulation.


p.s. I might need some additional details. I have some images from Ajay on the deck, but specific details may be missing. Is it ok to conatact you with email you signed up to forum with?

Educational Applications / Re: Braced Frame Modeling
« on: February 27, 2022, 12:10:25 PM »
I see you found the relevant son files you need. As you will see from the file extension they are json. You can easily read the data and write it out in python, e.g.:
Code: [Select]
# Python program to read json file & print an array in it                           

import json

# Open input & output files                                                         
inFile = open('NCBF1_HSS6x6.json')
outFile = open('defo.txt', 'w')

# load input file & get the json element axialDef                                     
data = json.load(inFile)
testData = data['test']
axialDef = testData['axialDef']

# print data                                                                         
for dataPoint in axialDef:

# close files                                                                       

you can also use Matlab if you prefer, look at jsondecode. looks to be more of a pain than python:

Installation / Re: quoFEM Installation Issue
« on: February 18, 2022, 10:41:27 PM »
I have updated the windows .zip file on DesignSafe .. the createOpenSeesDriver no longer conatins that .dll .. can you download the zip again and re-try ..thanks

Installation / Re: quoFEM Installation Issue
« on: February 18, 2022, 06:56:58 AM »

the missing 140.dll's need to be installed .. most windows computers that have any visual studio compiled app will have them installed on their machine by the applications installer .. we have no installer .. we do leave the app required to install the missing dll's in the download folder .. can you follow the instructions here:

Uncertainty Quantification (quoFEM) / Re: quoFEM with OpenSees SP
« on: December 23, 2021, 08:24:31 AM »

There might be, though it will be a convoluted way as it would involve using the OpenSeesPy option to launch OpenSeesSP and would require you to modify the way your script work. I am checking with someone who has used quoFEM, dakota and a different parallel application running at TACC to see how he did it.

AI use in Regional Simulation (BRAILS) / Re: NotImplementedError
« on: November 09, 2021, 12:37:07 AM »
Let us start with identifying the example are you trying to run?
Can you post the link to the webpage, and if more than 1 example is posted there, can you identify the specific example.

Wind Engineering (WE-UQ) / Re: Selecting version of OpenFOAM in WE-UQ
« on: October 22, 2021, 11:16:22 PM »
That is TinF, which is different to WE-UQ. I have asked the developer how much effort to move to OpenFOAM7. I know there are libs that are compiled from our code (TinF and possible others) that are used by OpenFOAM, just not sure if they will compile for 7 and if they do not, what effort will be required. It is Friday afternoon, hopefully get back Monday.

Wind Engineering (WE-UQ) / Re: Unable to select pimpleFoam in WE-UQ
« on: October 22, 2021, 10:32:43 PM »
I have updated WE-UQ for windows. That option should be now available. Version should say 2.2.0

Wind Engineering (WE-UQ) / Re: Unable to select pimpleFoam in WE-UQ
« on: October 22, 2021, 12:17:41 AM »
Can you confirm what version you are running as it should be in version 2.2.0. If you are running v2.2.0 can you confirm what operating system you are using and I will test on that OS. thanks and sorry for the confusion

Wind Engineering (WE-UQ) / Re: Selecting version of OpenFOAM in WE-UQ
« on: October 22, 2021, 12:10:17 AM »
looking at the wrapper script that runs at TACC it only load the openfoam 6.0 module.

1) can you point out where in the doc it says 7.0 so i can fix that
2) is there something you need in 7.0?

The curl code is not included in the released software (there are other software packages we use as well that we do not release as they are released by others). Curl is however installed by the conan package manager before cmake is run (if interested curl and the other software we use are listed in the

mkdir build
cd build
conan install .. --build missing
qmake ../

if on a windows machine, use nmake instead of make. let me know if it does not work for you.

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