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Topics - morty

Pages: [1]
Performance Based Engineering (PBE) / Dakota Error Debugging
« on: April 27, 2022, 08:28:13 PM »

I am running into the following issue when running a PBE analysis. The error log mentions an undefined number of stories, even though they are defined in the general information panel. Any idea what is causing this error and how I can fix it?

  File "[PATH]\PBE_Windows_Download\applications\performDL\pelicun\pelicunPBE\", line 376, in read_SimCenter_DL_input

    for l in process_loc(loc_, data['general']['stories']):

TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable

2022-04-27T20:18:45Z Damage and loss assessment finished successfully.
2022-04-27T20:18:45Z -----------------------------------------------------------
Loading Loss Results

No dakota.err file - dakota did not run - problem with dakota setup or the applicatins failed with inputs provided


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