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Damage & Loss (PELICUN) / Forum Closure & Transition to GitHub Discussion
« Last post by Sang-ri on August 30, 2024, 12:01:26 AM »
This user forum will be closing soon.

From now on, please post questions, bug reports, suggestions, and feature requests at the new Github discussion page

If you have trouble posting, please directly send an email to Adam or any developers of the team. The emails can be found here.
This user forum will be closing soon.

From now on, please post questions, bug reports, suggestions, and feature requests at the new Github discussion page

If you have trouble posting, please directly send an email to Barbaros or any developers of the team. The emails can be found here.
This user forum will be closing soon.

From now on, please post questions, bug reports, suggestions, and feature requests at the new Github discussion page

If you have trouble posting, please directly send an email to Jinyan or any developers of the team. The emails can be found here.
This user forum will be closing soon.

From now on, please post questions, bug reports, suggestions, and feature requests at the new Github discussion page

If you have trouble posting, please directly send an email to Adam or any developers of the team. The emails can be found here.
This user forum will be closing soon.

From now on, please post questions, bug reports, suggestions, and feature requests at the new Github discussion page

If you have trouble posting, please directly send an email to Justin or any developers of the team. The emails can be found here.
Earthquake Engineering (EE-UQ) / Forum Closure & Transition to GitHub Discussion
« Last post by Sang-ri on August 29, 2024, 11:53:40 PM »
This user forum will be closing soon.

From now on, please post questions, bug reports, suggestions, and feature requests at the new Github discussion page

If you have trouble posting, please directly send an email to Jinyan or Sang-ri or any developers of the team. The emails can be found here.
Wind Engineering (WE-UQ) / Forum Closure & Transition to GitHub Discussion
« Last post by Sang-ri on August 29, 2024, 11:52:43 PM »
This user forum will be closing soon.

From now on, please post questions, bug reports, suggestions, and feature requests at the new Github discussion page

If you have trouble posting, please directly send an email to Abiy or any developers of the team. The emails can be found here.
Educational Applications / Re: Suggestions for CFD Notebooks
« Last post by tesemebe on August 26, 2024, 09:17:45 AM »
1. Use verbatim for Keywords
Implementation: When mentioning specific code, commands, or keywords in the notebook, wrap them in backticks (`) to display them in a monospaced font, making them stand out as code snippets.
Example: Instead of writing print function, use `print`.
2. Create Functions for Repetitive Tasks (e.g., Embedding Videos)
Implementation: If the notebook includes repetitive tasks like embedding videos, create a function that can be reused to keep the code DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself).
Dear friend, how can I obtain RID(residual interstory disp) in R2D? :)
This user forum will be closing soon.

From now on, please post questions, bug reports, and feature requests at the new Github discussion page

If you have trouble posting, please directly send an email to Sang-ri or Aakash or any developers of the team. The emails can be found here.
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