First, Thank you so much for the extremely helpful Pelicun module.
I have a few questions and I will be so thankful if you could help with them.
1- As mentioned in workshop#3, in case the Pelicun module is being used directly, it is possible to delete unnecessary parts of the dakota.json file. The file 6_story_BRBF_pelicun.json file prepared for the workshop was an example of the shortened file. I tried to run Pelicun using this file and the response.csv file prepared for the workshop, but it seems there is some missing information in dakota file. I attached the log file and the message on the command prompt, I was wondering if you could share a shortened but correct json file.
2- For performing analysis on a large number of buildings, how is it possible to generate the dakota.json file automatically in python. For example, reading the required information from a csv file and generating the dakota file for each building automatically. As I understood, the information could be changed manually from the file or using PBE software and get dakota file which neither is practical for a large number of cases.
Thank you so much and again I appreciate your precious effort on this helpful and informative module.
P.S. Here is the message after running the DL_calculation.py in command prompt:
C:\Users\pooya\Desktop\Temp\pelicun>python C:\PBE\applications\performDL\pelicun\DL_calculation.py --filenameDL 6_story_BRBF_pelicun.json --filenameEDP response.csv
2022-02-09T05:16:02Z First line of DL_calculation
2022-02-09T05:16:03Z Initializing pelicun calculation...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\PBE\applications\performDL\pelicun\DL_calculation.py", line 316, in <module>
File "C:\PBE\applications\performDL\pelicun\DL_calculation.py", line 300, in main
File "C:\PBE\applications\performDL\pelicun\DL_calculation.py", line 257, in run_pelicun
A.read_inputs(DL_input_path, EDP_files[s_i], verbose=False) # make DL inputs into array of all BIM files
File "C:\PBE\applications\performDL\pelicun\pelicunPBE\control.py", line 767, in read_inputs
super(FEMA_P58_Assessment, self).read_inputs(path_DL_input,
File "C:\PBE\applications\performDL\pelicun\pelicunPBE\control.py", line 165, in read_inputs
self._AIM_in = read_SimCenter_DL_input(
File "C:\PBE\applications\performDL\pelicun\pelicunPBE\file_io.py", line 341, in read_SimCenter_DL_input
raise ValueError(
ValueError: PlanArea has to be specified in the DL input file to estimate injuries decision variable(s).