Author Topic: quoFEM Installation Issue  (Read 13645 times)


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quoFEM Installation Issue
« on: February 17, 2022, 07:10:07 PM »

I installed quoFEM and I am trying to run the Two-Dimensional Truss: Sampling, Reliability and Sensitivity example to verify that the program is working properly, but I am getting "No dakota.err file - dakota did not run - problem with dakota setup or the applications failed with inputs provided" error after the "Failed to run the workflow!!!" error. I am attaching a screenshot of the debug.log.

How can I fix this issue?


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Re: quoFEM Installation Issue
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2022, 10:02:51 PM »
Hi Francisco,

Thank you for posting the question.

Can you first try deleting and re-downloading the quoFEM? Some files could have been missed/corrupted during unzipping/moving. If the same error occurs, please type the below line in the Windows Command Prompt and share what it says.

"C:/Users/Francisco/Documents/quoFEM\\applications/performSIM/OpenSees/createOpenSeesDriver.exe" "C:/Users/Francisco/Documents/quoFEM/LocalWorkDir\tmp.SimCenter\templatedir\\dakota.json"  "runningLocal" "Windows"



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Re: quoFEM Installation Issue
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2022, 10:52:25 PM »
I deleted and redownloaded quoFEM (FYI, it's a different directory now: C:\Users\Francisco\Documents\quoFEM_Windows_Download). I attached the new debug log

I did as you suggested and ran the program again, which now says "NO VALID PYTHON - Read the Manual & Check your Preferences" ()) in addition to the "No dakota.err file - dakota did not run" message (see attached).

In trying the command line prompts you specified: "C:\Users\Francisco\Documents\quoFEM_Windows_Download\quoFEM_Windows_Download\applications\performSIM\OpenSees\createOpenSeesDriver.exe", I get a series of System Errors: (see last three attachments).



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Re: quoFEM Installation Issue
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2022, 06:56:58 AM »

the missing 140.dll's need to be installed .. most windows computers that have any visual studio compiled app will have them installed on their machine by the applications installer .. we have no installer .. we do leave the app required to install the missing dll's in the download folder .. can you follow the instructions here:


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Re: quoFEM Installation Issue
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2022, 07:15:28 AM »
Also to fix the NO VALID PYTHON error, please go to the preference and check-uncheck the three custom options inside the "external applications" box. It will update the python and other paths. This is a known issue that we are investigating.



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Re: quoFEM Installation Issue
« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2022, 07:15:27 PM »
Hi, I am facing a related issue, downloaded and installed today. Running the 2D Truss Example, error dialog says vcruntime140d.dll / *140_1d.dll are missing for OpenSeesDriver executable.  Does quoFEM package require both release and debug versions of VS to run (*140.dll and *140d.dll)?


the missing 140.dll's need to be installed .. most windows computers that have any visual studio compiled app will have them installed on their machine by the applications installer .. we have no installer .. we do leave the app required to install the missing dll's in the download folder .. can you follow the instructions here:


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Re: quoFEM Installation Issue
« Reply #6 on: February 18, 2022, 10:41:27 PM »
I have updated the windows .zip file on DesignSafe .. the createOpenSeesDriver no longer conatins that .dll .. can you download the zip again and re-try ..thanks


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Re: quoFEM Installation Issue
« Reply #7 on: February 21, 2022, 06:21:04 PM »
This seemed to work for me. Thanks!


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Re: quoFEM Installation Issue
« Reply #8 on: February 21, 2022, 07:30:26 PM »
Same here, I downloaded the '2/20/22 8:53 AM' quoFEM for Windows and it's working. Thanks!