Author Topic: Liquefaction implementation question  (Read 16394 times)


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Liquefaction implementation question
« on: November 03, 2021, 05:51:26 PM »
I cannot find information on the implementation of ground failure beyond the blurb in the user manual- I am curious how ground failure is defined, if Vs30 or any other inputs are included (GWT?). I also see in the example that the spreading and settlement is estimated from PGA, but the manual says that PGD must be provided, so what are those functions and what do they take as input?


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Re: Liquefaction implementation question
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2021, 06:09:39 PM »
Hi Emily,

Ground failure currently handles damage assessment due to liquefaction. This type of assessment is supported using damage models from the Hazus earthquake methodology. These models use horizontal and vertical permanent ground displacement as input and provide a probability of extensive or complete damage as output. The calculation of PGD values is not yet integrated into our workflow; we expect researchers to provide those intensity measures as input.

Example 5 in R2D is based on the work of Tamika Bassman, Jaewon Saw, and Sijin Wang. If you are interested in how they calculated PGD, I am happy to introduce you to them.
