Research in Natural Hazards Engineering > Performance Based Engineering (PBE)

Fragility Database export


Hi, I'm trying to export the FEMA P58 database and population.json from PBE version 2.2.2 and 3.0.0 but it does not save anything, it only saves a file called 'data' but it is empty.

I already tried to save it in different files but nothing. Do i need to save it in a special path ?
I would appreciate your help. Thank you

Hi Nikoch,

I've just tested the exporting feature with the P-58 database on versions 2.2.2 and 3.0.0 - both work fine for me on Windows 10.

So, let's explore what could go wrong on your machine. When clicking the export button, you need to select a destination folder. I usually create a folder for this purpose, but you could simply select one of the existing folders on your hard drive. It does not need to be a special path.

Are you running in a Windows or macOS environment?

Do the examples run fine within PBE? If yes, that confirms that the tool has access to the databases.

Depending on your answers to the above, I'll have more questions.


Hi Adam, thanks u so much for your answer,

Im running on Windows 11 pro, maybe that is the problem right ?? If so, could you pass me the database and population.json here please, I would greatly appreciate it.
So far all examples run pretty well in PBE.

Thanks for your time.

Hi Nikoch,

If you're interested in the database under PBE 3.0, you can find it as part of pelicun, here:
The fragility_DB_FEMA_P58_2nd CSV and JSON files have the fragility function data; and the bldg_repair, bldg_injury, and bldg_redtag files have the consequence function data.

Let me know if you are interested in the old version of the data we used under PBE 2.x and I am happy to send that to you.


Hi Adam, thank you so much for your help,

Yes, please, just pass me the population.json, I already got the P58 database from this forum.

I have run and solved all the exercises of the 3 days workshop of 2020 and they all run perfectly with the PBE 2.2.2 version and the PBE 3 also works well. But on day 3, I found a problem, when you run the 6-story model with truncated distribution, in the video you show that you enter residual drift parameters such as yield=0.01, median=0.015 and log standard=0.30 (attached image), but in the download files (6_story_BRBF) do not have that defined.
Then, when I run the download model there are no results for PID, it comes out as NaN (attached image). But, if I run entering the video parameters in residudal drift, I get an error in dakota.json.

Thank you very much Adam and I hope I don't bother you with the questions.
I really appreciate the help and thanks for these amazing tools.



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