Author Topic: Not able to Run surrogate Modelling in EE-UQ  (Read 9831 times)


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Not able to Run surrogate Modelling in EE-UQ
« on: March 22, 2023, 04:33:11 PM »

i am trying to make a surrogate model where i am giving the input csv and the output csv. I go under UQ tab, select Engine as SimcenterUQ and give the files. But somehow it does not run. I am attaching the log file under tmp. Simcenter folder. There is a dakota.err file but it is empty and in the templatedir folder, there are a host of json files and other files. I tried going via the troubleshooting page, but in vain. Tried changing the local directories as well, in case it was a permission problem with documents folder under C drive but nothing still works. Could you please help me with this? It would be a great help.



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Re: Not able to Run surrogate Modelling in EE-UQ
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2023, 06:39:27 PM »
Hello Gaurav,

Thanks for reporting the issue! Can you please share the input/output files, or part of them, to help us reproduce the error? When we tested it on our side, it ran fine with the attached files. A slight difference in the file format may have caused the error.

We are indeed working on improving the documentation & error display, and your feedback like this is much appreciated.



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Re: Not able to Run surrogate Modelling in EE-UQ
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2023, 03:26:28 AM »
Hello Sang-ri,

thank you for replying. Attached you will find the input and output csv files. I tried changing the column names in the input output files as well and removing the column names altogether as well, but still it didn't work. I will try with the input output files you provided. The Error it shows with my input and output is : 'No Tab file - PLoM failed .. possibly no QoI or a permission issue. Check out Jobs Directory'.

« Last Edit: March 23, 2023, 03:42:08 AM by 2006garg »


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Re: Not able to Run surrogate Modelling in EE-UQ
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2023, 03:34:34 AM »
Hallo again,

It works super with the input output files you provided. The files i just attached, do not have column names right now, but earlier i tried with %x1 and %y1, i even tried with simple keywords like, acc(acceleration) for input and disp(displacement) for output. That also did not work.
I would also appreciate  if you could point me in the right direction, where i can read about the file format or column names, to be used in case of PLoM modelling.




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Re: Not able to Run surrogate Modelling in EE-UQ
« Reply #4 on: March 23, 2023, 06:54:34 PM »
Hi Gaurav,

Thanks for sharing the input files. I was able to reproduce the bug and find a workaround. The problem was that the input files contained a hidden UTF-8 BOM (Byte Order Mark) character, and this caused a failure in our csv parser. The presence of BOM character pertains to the encoding option when the csv file is created. One way to remove this symbol from your files is to use notepad++ software.

1. Open the csv file through notepad++. On the bottom right, it will show "UTF-8-BOM".
2. To change this, in the menubar, press "Encoding"-"UTF-8"
3. Save the file.

I attached examples of the converted files. Hope this will allow you to run EE-UQ.

The PLoM manual is currently missing in EE-UQ documentation. I am sorry about that - this will be updated when we release the new EE-UQ version in the coming week. Meanwhile, please refer to the quoFEM documentation , which basically has the exact same PLoM module, especially for the "import data file" option.



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Re: Not able to Run surrogate Modelling in EE-UQ
« Reply #5 on: March 24, 2023, 10:55:44 AM »
Hi Sang-ri,

Thanks again. It works now with my files. I am sure i would not have been able to find this error without your help.



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Re: Not able to Run surrogate Modelling in EE-UQ
« Reply #6 on: March 24, 2023, 04:10:47 PM »
Awesome, thanks again for reporting this.