Author Topic: Running examples on R2D (prerelease-v3.0.0-win)  (Read 8013 times)


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Running examples on R2D (prerelease-v3.0.0-win)
« on: May 27, 2023, 05:52:54 PM »

I tried to run the E2MDOFBuildingResponse example; however, I have gotten this error:

  Running EDP app at preprocessing step...

"C:\SimCenter\R2D_Windows_Download\applications\createEDP\standardEarthquakeEDP\StandardEQEDP" "--filenameAIM" "...\Documents\R2D\LocalWorkDir\tmp.SimCenter\Results\Buildings\1-AIM.json" "--filenameEVENT" "EVENT.json" "--filenameSAM" "SAM.json" "--filenameEDP" "EDP.json" "--getRV"
13:28:13 -

13:28:09  ERROR
13:28:09 return code: 3221225781
Output: 3221225781

I did not have this error while running v2.1.3. I would appreciate it if you could help.


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Re: Running examples on R2D (prerelease-v3.0.0-win)
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2023, 10:31:27 PM »
Hello Amir,

The error code might be because a library is missing in your R2D installation. To further assist you, could you please reply and attach the following files?

  • "..\Documents\R2D\LocalWorkDir\tmp.SimCenter\Results\Buildings\1-AIM.json"
  • "..\Documents\R2D\LocalWorkDir\tmp.SimCenter\Results\Buildings\1\workdir.1\EVENT.json"
  • "..\Documents\R2D\LocalWorkDir\tmp.SimCenter\Results\Buildings\1\workdir.1\SAM.json"
  • "..\Documents\R2D\LocalWorkDir\tmp.SimCenter\Results\Buildings\1\workdir.1\EDP.json"

Meanwhile, please check in the R2D program output to see if the "Running Modeling app" stage returned any error. You could also try to run another example or reinstall R2D to see if the error still exists. Please let me know if you have trouble sending the files or if anything is unclear.




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Re: Running examples on R2D (prerelease-v3.0.0-win)
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2023, 11:04:42 PM »
Hi Jinyan,

Thank you for your response. I have attached:

"..\Documents\R2D\LocalWorkDir\tmp.SimCenter\Results\Buildings\1-AIM.json"; however, the "workdir.1" folder has not been created. I also have issues running Ex. 12.

I have attached the "log.txt" file; the first error appeared in line 177 of the text file.

Could you kindly inform me whether the issue is due to an error on my part or possibly caused by the pre-release version? Thank you.



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Re: Running examples on R2D (prerelease-v3.0.0-win)
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2023, 07:21:51 PM »
Hi Amir,

It seems to be an error on your end, and the second example runs correctly on my computer. Could you please try to uninstall R2D and reinstall the newest pre-release? If the issue is still not solved, we can arrange a Zoom meeting to help you with the problem.

