SimCenter Training > Programming Bootcamp

Forking a repository


Dear all,
I'd forked the Bootcamp repository and done "git clone" to my computer prior the start of the classes. This happened last Friday.

I was late to the first hour yesterday and missed some topics on git.

Here is my question; is it possible to update my forked repository which is of course behind the current Simcenter and somehow sync with current Simcenter?

I hope I've expressed myself well.


try this steps (from yesterday's slide):

Exercise – Lets Synch your FORK with SimCenter
1. Open terminal window/ Powershell
2. cd to SimCenterBootcamp2020 folder
3. Lets add and commit any changes (or checkout original) .. Type: git status
git add .
git commit –m “my great changes”
4. Lets look at remotes repos
git remote -v
5. Add NHERI-SimCenter/SimCenterBootcamp-2020 as upstream
git remote add upstream
6. Look at remotes again
git remote -v
7. Lets fetch upstream
git fetch upstream
8. Use checkout to get last committed version
git merge upstream/master
9. Git add, commit and push to our own remote repo (origin)
git add .
git commit –m “fmk – updated code from merge”
git push origin master
10. Go to your browser, your remote repo (origin) should contain latest code

Thanks, it worked for me.

Best regards.


Thanks for the information guys


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