Author Topic: Incorrect Python Command  (Read 9345 times)


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Incorrect Python Command
« on: February 04, 2021, 05:58:37 PM »
Stevan here is the log from the R2D error once we forced the Preferences to point to my python 3.8

09:37:34.495 Debug: RESET_PREFERENCES ()
09:52:08.362 Debug: WorkflowAppWidget::statusMessage "Gathering Files to local workdir" ()
09:52:08.362 Debug: STATUS MESSAGE "Gathering Files to local workdir" ()
09:52:08.392 Debug: WorkflowAppWidget::errorMessage "" ()
09:52:08.392 Debug: ERROR MESSAGE "" ()
09:52:08.409 Debug: WorkflowAppR2D is changinging subDir to input_data ()
09:52:08.427 Debug: :HI DakotaINputSampling ()
09:52:08.427 Debug: WorkflowAppWidget::statusMessage "SetUp Done .. Now starting application" ()
09:52:08.427 Debug: STATUS MESSAGE "SetUp Done .. Now starting application" ()
09:52:08.428 Debug: RunWidget::setupForRunApplicationDone ()
09:52:08.428 Debug: RUNTYPE "runningLocal" ()
09:52:08.429 Debug: SCRIPT:  "/Users/sg/Junk/" ()
09:52:08.429 Debug: REGISTRY:  "/Users/sg/Junk/" ()
09:52:08.430 Debug: Running the UQ engine ...  ()
09:52:08.430 Debug: WorkflowAppWidget::statusMessage "Running the UQ engine ... " ()
09:52:08.430 Debug: STATUS MESSAGE "Running the UQ engine ... " ()
09:52:08.434 Debug: PATH:  "/Users/sg/Junk/;/Users/sg/Junk/;/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin" ()
09:52:08.434 Debug: PYTHON_PATH "/Users/sg/Junk/;" ()
09:52:08.434 Debug: PYTHON COMMAND "source $HOME/.bash_profile; export PATH=$PATH:/Users/sg/Junk/; \"/usr/local/Cellar/python@3.8/3.8.6_1/bin/python3\" \"/Users/sg/Junk/\"  \"/Users/sg/Documents/R2D/LocalWorkDir/tmp.SimCenter/inputRWHALE.json\" --registry \"/Users/sg/Junk/\" --referenceDir \"/Users/sg/Documents/R2D/LocalWorkDir/tmp.SimCenter/input_data\" -w \"/Users/sg/Documents/R2D/LocalWorkDir/tmp.SimCenter/Results\"" ()
09:52:29.577 Debug: "/Users/sg/Documents/R2D/LocalWorkDir/tmp.SimCenter/Results" ()
09:52:29.578 Debug: PelicunPostProcessor:  "/Users/sg/Documents/R2D/LocalWorkDir/tmp.SimCenter/Results" ()
09:52:29.578 Debug: FILES IN FOLDER:  ("inputRWHALE.json") ()
09:52:36.785 Debug: WorkflowAppWidget::statusMessage "Analysis complete" ()
09:52:36.786 Debug: STATUS MESSAGE "Analysis complete" ()
09:55:32.394 Debug: WorkflowAppWidget::statusMessage "Gathering Files to local workdir" ()
09:55:32.395 Debug: STATUS MESSAGE "Gathering Files to local workdir" ()
09:55:32.417 Debug: WorkflowAppWidget::errorMessage "" ()
09:55:32.418 Debug: ERROR MESSAGE "" ()
09:55:32.461 Debug: WorkflowAppR2D is changinging subDir to input_data ()
09:55:32.476 Debug: :HI DakotaINputSampling ()
09:55:32.476 Debug: WorkflowAppWidget::statusMessage "SetUp Done .. Now starting application" ()
09:55:32.476 Debug: STATUS MESSAGE "SetUp Done .. Now starting application" ()
09:55:32.477 Debug: RunWidget::setupForRunApplicationDone ()
09:55:32.477 Debug: RUNTYPE "runningLocal" ()
09:55:32.477 Debug: SCRIPT:  "/Users/sg/Junk/" ()
09:55:32.477 Debug: REGISTRY:  "/Users/sg/Junk/" ()
09:55:32.478 Debug: Running the UQ engine ...  ()
09:55:32.478 Debug: WorkflowAppWidget::statusMessage "Running the UQ engine ... " ()
09:55:32.478 Debug: STATUS MESSAGE "Running the UQ engine ... " ()
09:55:32.482 Debug: PATH:  "/Users/sg/Junk/;/Users/sg/Junk/;/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin" ()
09:55:32.482 Debug: PYTHON_PATH "/Users/sg/Junk/;" ()
09:55:32.483 Debug: PYTHON COMMAND "source $HOME/.bash_profile; export PATH=$PATH:/Users/sg/Junk/; \"/usr/local/Cellar/python@3.8/3.8.6_1/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/bin/python3.8\" \"/Users/sg/Junk/\"  \"/Users/sg/Documents/R2D/LocalWorkDir/tmp.SimCenter/inputRWHALE.json\" --registry \"/Users/sg/Junk/\" --referenceDir \"/Users/sg/Documents/R2D/LocalWorkDir/tmp.SimCenter/input_data\" -w \"/Users/sg/Documents/R2D/LocalWorkDir/tmp.SimCenter/Results\"" ()
09:55:38.043 Debug: "/Users/sg/Documents/R2D/LocalWorkDir/tmp.SimCenter/Results" ()
09:55:38.043 Debug: PelicunPostProcessor:  "/Users/sg/Documents/R2D/LocalWorkDir/tmp.SimCenter/Results" ()
09:55:38.044 Debug: FILES IN FOLDER:  ("inputRWHALE.json") ()


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Re: Incorrect Python Command
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2021, 01:17:05 AM »

we have uploaded a new Mac version to designsafe: The example may not work for you as you have a brew installed version of 3.8 and openseespymac (as currently distributed) only works for a distribution from This may change this evening as Stevan looks after that distribution!

if interested the cause:
the problem was due to a different version of python being found on your PATH (see the #483 output statement if interested, i.e. 09:55:32.483 Debug). we modified the code to ensure the PATH has the new python path before $PATH.


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Re: Incorrect Python Command
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2021, 03:50:01 AM »

Stevan has updated openseespymac (v3.2.2.10): pip3 install openseespymac --upgrade