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Topics - guanxingquan

Pages: [1]
Damage & Loss (PELICUN) / EDP definition
« on: June 02, 2020, 12:18:37 AM »
Hi, I just have some confusions about EDP file definition:

I know that in the EDP input file, we need to define the story drift ratio in each direction in each story, peak floor acceleration in each direction at each floor level (including ground level).

I am wondering how to define the residual story drift. I went through all example input files and I haven't found any hints for residual story drift ratio.

Should I define the residual story drift ratio in each direction and in each story? or just the maximum residual drift in each direction.

I think that SP3(Seismic Performance Prediction Program) only requires the maximum residual drift (i.e., not the residual drift in each story).

Damage & Loss (PELICUN) / Component Definition
« on: May 26, 2020, 04:57:56 AM »
Hello, I have a question regarding the component definition:

If the component is non-directional, what should be put in the field of "direction" ?

If the component is in both orthogonal direction, then the "median_quantity" is the summation of the components in both directions?

See the attached photo for details.

Pages: [1]