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Topics - mcetink

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I have created an EE-UQ setup, where I try to record user-defined EDPs. While my EE-UQ Setup file (i.e., the JSON file) works fine on an older version of EE-UQ (V2.5.1), it doesn't work on a relatively newer version (3.0.0), prompting the following error: "No dakotaTab.out file - dakota failed .. possibly no QoI". I am not sure why this is happening. I have written the post-processing script in Python.

I am happy to provide any requested file or information to troubleshoot the error I am getting from EE-UQ v3.0.0

Thank you in advance

A little caveat before I start, the suggestion I make below arose from my rough observation about EE-UQ. I am sorry if there is another solution available in EE-UQ to address the problem I have described below.

Currently, EE-UQ allows for pulling ground motion records only from PEER database. I was wondering if it would be possible, in the future, to include other ground motion databases as well, such as . The reason is that PEER does not provide records of recent earthquakes while , especially for the US, can provide records shortly after an earthquake. For example, the records of 2020 sound US earthquakes such as Utah, Idaho or Nevada can be found in but they are not available in PEER database yet.
If one would like to assess a structure situated near a site where an earthquake have just occurred using EE-UQ, he/she would need specific ground motion records from that earthquake, which will not immediately available in PEER website. A solution to this to still use EE-UQ with other records, appears, that either to make other records PEER-compatible or create .json file for each record and use Multiple Existing option to upload. However, it may be more convenient to provide options for users to access other ground motion databases from EE-UQ through which they can call specific events without going into the hurdle of manual creation of record files that will need to be inputted to EE-UQ.

Thank you

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