Author Topic: FEATURE: Requests from meetings on 16th & 22nd April  (Read 17406 times)


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FEATURE: Requests from meetings on 16th & 22nd April
« on: April 23, 2021, 05:43:32 AM »
I would like to summarize some of the user requests that were provided during the meetings on 16th and 22nd April. The video recording is available for download.

1. Capability to download STL files of the bathymetry to facilitate meshing using external meshing tool & later use these meshes for simulation using Hydro-UQ

2. Ability to change solvers and use alternative solvers to OpenFOAM

3. Allow users to load data from projects that are available on DesignSafe directly into the Hydro-UQ tool. The users could then modify or run the same.

4. Provide tools for designing experiments: (a) A lot of time is spent in designing the waveforms of the fluid. Thus, an ability to correlate the wall motion to the waves produced in the flume can be really helpful.

5. In OpenFOAM we are modeling the complicated structure including its shape. The same is approximated using a frame model in OpenSees. How is the loading transferred? It would help if this can be added to the documentation.
Dr. Ajay B Harish,
Post-doc, Civil & Environmental Engineering
University of California, Berkeley
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Re: FEATURE: Requests from meetings on 16th & 22nd April
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2021, 05:53:35 AM »

we should discuss which ones should be added to Jira.