Author Topic: Inclusion of Debris Quantity/Type from Damage and Loss Calculations  (Read 12947 times)


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I was wondering if there will be a method available to estimate debris generation (i.e., volume or weight) as well as type (i.e., concrete, wood, steel, etc.) available as output from the PELICUN damage and loss tool. HAZUS-MH currently allows users to download and visualize debris generated using ArcGIS and I think this would be a great opportunity to integrate this utility into R2D. This add on will definitely be helpful in my research applications centered on debris management and recovery. Thank you for your help.
-Derek C. Manheim


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Hi Derek,

Thank you for that suggestion; the debris estimation method from HAZUS-MH can be included in Pelicun to provide the quantity of generated debris as another decision variable. I have added it to the requested features and will incorporate it in the next major release - expect it to be available in the second half of this year.