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Messages - fmk

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Sorry .. DesignSafe is about to revamp their software with an updated Tapis, TapisV3 tomorrow morning. It looks like some service related to how our apps login has already been changed. We will start uploading new apps tomorrow afternoon that utilizes the new interface as the RESTful API calls have all changed and how the apps are run also changes (they now run under your own account and not mine). It will mean some changes on your end, new inputs and you may have to submit a ticket to designsafe to get an allocation. I will repost when R2D is up and avail.

so we figured out the issue .. designsafe is requiring further registration information from it's users than was originally requested .. as such it shuts down access to DataDepot, which is where we move files to before launching jobs .. what you have do do on your end is login to designsafe through your web browser and fill in the missing information .. a link to the form should be at the top of the designsafe page after you log in .. if you cannot see the link, try and use Tools/DataDepot and the form to be filled out will appear and not the typical DataDepot webpage will appear .. SimCenter tools will not run at DEsignSafe for you until your information has been updated.

also can you tellme when you signed up for a designsafe account.

Uncertainty Quantification (quoFEM) / Re: Problem with Dakota
« on: March 08, 2024, 04:01:00 PM »
how about somebody placing their zipped up ~/Documents/quoFEM/LocalWorkDir/tmp.SimCenter/templatedir folder. thanks.

can you send the debug.log file in your ~/Documents/quoFEM directory. thanks

Performance Based Engineering (PBE) / Re: Recovery Assessment Error
« on: January 05, 2024, 01:54:13 AM »
i have update the .zip files on designsafe with an application that should overcome the REDI problem.

Performance Based Engineering (PBE) / Re: Recovery Assessment Error
« on: January 04, 2024, 06:07:05 PM »

sorry for lateness in response. we are workiing on the issue which is popping up in last release due to a python module conflict. We are upgrading (sometime downgrading) the python packages and hope to get a fix out this afternoon. sorry again. frank

Regional Hazard Simulation (R2D, rWhale) / Re: R2D on Linux HPC
« on: October 27, 2023, 04:41:16 PM »

It is possible to run on such a system if you can build both the backend and frontend. I am in the process of builidng a Dockerfile which you could use to see which packages are needed on your system and what the build process is. The Dockerfile uses Ubuntu18.04 as its base. The biggest issue I foresee is getting Qt version 5.15 installed. Failing to install the frontend would mean you could not use the GUI. The backend has a simpler build process and you could run the computational simulations there and possibly view results in python.

timeline for Dockerfile is probably next week (today being the 10/27/2023 for those others looking at this message). The Dockerfile will be in the R2DTool repo on github.

The purpose of the docker images is to run the frontend and backend on one of the TACC Frontera HPC compute nodes.


Sorry there us no automated process. It was done manually.

I see you found a solution to install 2.0.0 instead of 2.0.5. thanks

Seth .. thanks .. I was having the same problems .. neither google or stackoverflow was of any  help .. I did not think of trying an earlier version.

Installation / Re: Conan in the CI
« on: August 23, 2023, 06:59:33 AM »
thanks. i have updated the appveyor files to use 1.60.1



getting an image from all angles to better determine if there is a soft-story or not is problematic. StreetView will not provide all images necessary as for a majority of houses in urban areas one image from streetview is all that will be avail as neighbouring houses and not streets will be on the other 3 sides. An alternative we discussed briefly was to use drone imagery,  using drones that the NHERI Rapid facility provides for example, to capture all sides of the house. We just did not get far with that effort as the programmer looking after that effort left and nobody expressed much interest in that particular module.


sorry about the problems. We moved from tensorflow to pytorch and not all the modules got revised. the Softstory is avail in the 2.0.5 release. . That release uses older python modules.

I am going through the process of fixing the documentation. In the meantime the modules and the doc for their usage with the current brails can best be found on the github dir for each module where the README.rst file displayed when using the browser shows how to use the module.

Uncertainty Quantification (quoFEM) / Re: Run QuoFEM with OpenSeesSP
« on: August 18, 2023, 08:29:14 PM »
if running locally .. you can (I believe) start OpenSeesSP w/o using the mpi command .. if this is the case replace the OpenSees exe that came with the app with OpenSeesSP and it will work fine.

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