Hi Anne,
The AutoSDA package is kindly shared by its developer for implementing it for dynamic analysis in EE-UQ. Some modules are not used, e.g., the EigenValueAnalysis and PushoverAnalysis in the main_program are commented by EE-UQ (as not used for nonlinear time history analysis). The fundamental periods are still computed by the EigenValueAnalysis during the "seismic_design" step (invoked by the ElasticAnalysis) and the eigen analysis is also conducted later in nonlinear_analysis_solver.tcl for setting up Rayleigh damping.
To run these commented analysis, please just uncomment the corresponding section (e.g., Perform Nonlinear Pushover Analysis) in the main_program with a minor patch: replace the "pathDataFolder" in "target_model = pathDataFolder + "/BuildingNonlinearModel/" + analysis_type" with "os.path.dirname(pathDataFolder". This would run the uncommented analysis under individual workdir (e.g., LocalWorkDir/tmp.SimCenter/workdir.X/BuildingNonlinearModels/PushoverAnalysis) - the result folder (e.g., PushOverOutput) are also in that directory. Based on the model complexity, the pushover analysis sometimes may take a while to be completed.